chapter 316

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Elsa stood in front of the factory with just three words running through her head, “Let’s end this!”

Elsa was ready. She was ready to fight until this ended. Ten years without her mother getting her justice was a long time.

Her steps were slightly staggered but she managed to get into the old factory just fine.

“Esther Rowland!” Her voice echoed into the big factory.

It was old and rusty. It was covered with dust, cobwebs, and some crawling creatures.

“Come out and face me, you heinous woman!” She screamed again as she walked inside even more.

“Esther!” Her screaming echoed back to her.

She was just about to keep walking inside when something grabbed her from behind.

“They didn’t tell us the new corpse would be this pretty.” A man’s voice said to her with hostility.

Elsa immediately stomped on his toes making him wince and loosen his grip on her. She then turned around and kneed him hard on his groin.

That was when he saw the man looked like a thug. This was a fucking set-up!

All the alcohol drained from her system that very moment.

Elsa was just about to run away when another thug popped up in front of the door blocking her path.

“Where are you going sweetheart, the party hasn’t even started yet!”

Had alcohol made her reckless enough to walk right into a trap? Elsa knew better than this.

The thug grabbed Elsa’s shoulders and started pushing her back forcefully. Seeing his mate on the floor and in pain, he got angry. “You would have let her escape? Do you know how much money we would have lost?”

“It’s not like I was letting her go on purpose. This bitch kneed me in my groin!” The thug complained.

The man grabbed Elsa even tighter as he brought her to the middle of the room.

Elsa examined their faces and they were strangers to her. And based on how they looked, they were thugs for hire. Hired to harm her!

“What do you want?” Elsa asked in a calm voice. She showed absolutely no fear

“Isn’t it obvious? You walked right into a death trap. We have been paid handsomely to kill you. Which means... You are never walking out of here alive!”

When Elsa heard that, she smiled in a calm way.  “See, I can walk out of here already so I won’t have any troubles. You’re the one with a limp making it hard for you to walk and try to stop me.”

The thug didn’t understand what she meant until Elsa kicked him on the leg. The kick was out of the blue which made it impossible for the thug to dodge.

He knelt on the floor with one leg but he wasn’t going down without a fight. He went into his pocket and took out a knife. He got up from the floor and swung it with the attempt to cut Elsa’s face but she ducked, successfully dodging it.

Elsa then kicked him in his stomach twice in a row. She was using the technique Lui taught her for self defense. She aimed for his neck and kicked him there.

Only for the man to hold her leg and use it throw her on the floor.

She tried to get up immediately but the other thug she kneed earlier, held her down as the other placed the knife on her.

“You think you’re tough! Huh?!” He screamed as he placed the knife next to her throat.

“You are one annoying little bitch!... Thinking you can take us? Thinking you can escape?... Now I will kill you without blinking.”

The other thug holding Elsa down cheered happily. “Yes, kill her. That Madam will pay us well once she sees her dead body.”

The knife held up high ready to stab Elsa’s heart. Elsa struggled but with two grown men holding her, she could barely move.

Just then, she saw a shadow on the door. Someone was about to walk in.

Elsa couldn’t tell who it was, but if it was someone who could help, she should buy him some time.

“Wait! Wait!” She said quickly. “Aren’t you supposed to have fun with me before killing me!”

Hearing that, the man’s hand holding the knife froze in the air.

“You are one handsome man. And the fact that you’re a bad boy makes me feel so hot and bothered.” Her eyes were so clear and pristine like crystals. She smiled in a seductive manner showing her dimples, and charming him in the process.

The thug eyed Elsa’s body and started drooling, this was a jackpot. “A hot woman who is also a willing participant? I like it.”

He then turned to his mate and said, “I’ll have her first, then it will be your turn.”

That was when the mate looked up from Elsa for the first time. He was just about to say something only to see a figure behind the other thug.

“Mate, behind you!”

But it was too late because, before he turned around to see who was behind him, a kick had landed on his back sending him on the floor.

Then the one holding Elsa was immediately punched on the jaw hard.

The man who punched him then held Elsa’s shoulders and pulled her from the ground.

“Jeremy! What are you doing here?” Elsa asked as Jeremy held her close to him.

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