chapter 393

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Elsa's head felt muddled under the influence of the drug.

She vaguely thought she had heard a voice by her ear, calling her an angel and telling her that everything was going to be alright.

Elsa struggled to open her eyes just so she could see who it was, but her eyelids seemed to grow heavier by the second.

Instinctively, she curled toward the man who refused to let her go, perhaps because he gave her a sense of security.

This might have been the first time Elsa felt what it meant to be protected.

All she had been subjected to these past few years was nothing less than torture.

Every time she wished someone would help her up, all she received was more pain. It had gotten to the point where she had given up on hope because her heart was tired from all the disappointment.

Right now, she finally understood what it felt like to have someone supporting her back, and it was very warm.

Jeremy felt the person in his arms lean deeper into his embrace, her hands slowly sliding up to rest around his neck to hold herself in place.

Lowering his gaze to stare at the woman in his arms, Jeremy couldn't help but be happy he found her just in time.

"How are you feeling, Elsa?" he asked, his voice showing how much he cared for her.

Elsa's brows furrowed, and she only said one word, "Dizzy..."

"Don't worry, love. I'm taking you to the hospital now!" Jeremy immediately carried her to the car and gently placed her in the passenger's seat.

Just as he was about to go to the driver's side and drive away, he heard Victoria's voice come from the factory behind.

Jeremy halted and turned around in confusion, only to be met with the sight of Victoria kneeling on the floor with tears streaming freely down her face.

Her clothes were a mess as she pointed her finger at the thugs he had dealt with. "Jeremy! These men forced themselves on me! You have to stand up for me, Jeremy! It hurts, I don't want to live anymore!"

Those words hit Jeremy like a stray basketball.

At that moment, Jeremy felt the thread of his sanity snap as he furrowed his brows.

His memory provided him with an image of the pure and innocent angel from his dreams.

Regardless of how certain Jeremy was that he had never once loved Victoria in all their years together, his heart still refused to believe that she, as his mind served, was anything but pure and innocent-untainted.

But today...

How could such a thing occur now?


After receiving a report, the police arrived in no time. The four thugs were apprehended, while Elsa and Victoria were both admitted to the hospital.

Both Rosanna and James rushed to the hospital when they heard that something had happened to Victoria.

Rosanna sobbed into James's arms when she was told that Victoria had been taken advantage of by four different men. "How could this happen? Wasn't Victoria supposed to be resting in the hospital? How could she suddenly... James! Why must our daughter suffer such a harsh fate?

"It's all my fault. I should have kept a better eye on Victoria," Rosanna blamed herself.

Victoria's friend, John, couldn't contact his daughter, so he called her and she came to see what happened. When she heard the news, she was shocked. 'What on earth happened? Didn't Victoria go to record a video of Vera being taken advantage of? How did she end up being the victim?'

She immediately called John from prison and told him that his thugs had raped his daughter.

That was when John realized that there was such a thing as karma.

"Where's Jeremy? Why isn't he here looking after Victoria?" Rosanna asked as she looked around the hospital room.

"I heard that Elsa Halverson also got admitted. Jeremy must have gone to see her," Victoria's friend said.

When Rosanna heard that, her eyes shot open and her heart clenched so painfully that she couldn't breathe.

"What?... Elsa too?... What happened to my little girl?" she asked frantically.

"I'm not sure. I just heard that she was drugged."

Rosanna felt her heart in her throat as she asked slowly, "Was she... Was she hurt... The way Victoria was?"

The friend shook her head. "I don't think so."

Rosanna and James sighed with relief but still had to confirm for themselves.

Since Victoria was resting and being taken care of, Rosanna and James asked the friend to keep an eye on her. Then, they immediately turned around and asked a nurse which room Elsa was resting in.

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