Chapter 3: Preparing for Sky Island

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The crew sat around the tree stump table and listened and Cricket told us that he has decided to give us all the information he has on the Sky Island. He said that all he knows is rumors or hearsay, so it's up to us to believe what he has to say or not. Cricket explained that is strange phenomenon happens in the ocean. "Everything will suddenly turned black as night, right in the middle of the brightest day."

(Y/N) attention trailed off to the moss haired swordsman who was sleeping next to her, they both decided to sit on the grass while Luffy, Nami, Usopp and Chopper spoke with Cricket.

"Psst, swordsman." The (h/c) haired girl poked Zoro's cheek. He stayed in his resting position, but hummed in response.

"So um, I want to apologize about earlier." (Y/N) drew circles on the grass, a habit she picked up when she gets nervous.

"About what?" He still doesn't move, but curiosity lingered in his voice for her response.

"Well I did kind of threaten your life and kicked you in your stomach after you were beaten by those scumbags in town." (Y/N) stated this as if it's obvious points he should still be mad at.

Zoro shrugged and looked over at her. The two locked eyes, hers cautious with a hint of resentment and his stern with determination beaming through them. He spoke softly, which caused (Y/N) to relax a bit. "If I held a grudge against everyone who struck me, what kind of man would I be?"

(Y/N) smiled back at the swordsman and was about to thank him, but what cut off before she could speak, "But if you really want to make it up to me, fight me with everything you got." Zoro smirked at her with excitement in his eyes.

(Y/N) met that same excitement and gave him a light punch on the arm. "Be prepared to lose." She giggled and before Zoro could throw a comeback, Luffy spun around at us excited.

"Zoro! (Y/N)! Wake up you two! We are going on an adventure! Woohoo!!" Luffy and Usopp danced together, Nami quickly stopped their foolishness by granting them a new look of busted lips and some black eyes. (Y/N) busted out laughing at the two idiots being brought back down from Cloud 9 so swiftly.

Cricket talked about how we would have to risk our lives in order to get to the Sky Island. He explained that the only way he knows is by riding the knock upstream. Usopp tried to convince Luffy do not go to the Sky Island, but the captain was determined. Although a good point was brought up by Usopp, the Going Merry was in horrible condition and there was no way she could survive the knock upstream.

Cricket agreed with Usopp, but he said he would have Masira and Shoujou repair Merry and get her ready for the insane journey. Cricket also explain that the knock upstream will happen around noon tomorrow. Usopp mood switched from curious to cautious. He began to explain that the crew has only known Cricket for less than 24 hours.

'This is true, but this is coming from the same man that said I was a good person and he knew me for less than that.' (Y/N) thought to herself. 'He's probably going to cause a scene due to his fear of the unknown.' She sighed and listened to what else he had to say.

Usopp went on to restate all the good things that Cricket said that he will help them out with, all for free. He went as far as accusing Cricket to be similar to his great ancestor Noland, questioning, if we could even trust him. (Y/N) made a 'tsk' noise and felt like walking up and punching Usopp, but something told her to wait and see how this plays out.

Sanji and the monkey brothers burst out of the tiny home. With hearts on his eyes the cook shouted, "Nami, (Y/N)! Dinner's re—" Sanji watched as the tension in the air tightened.

Cricket went on to explain that he knows the weather pattern of the are in the area and that what he says may be an assumption, but there's a chance that the two events may coincide. He ends off saying, "I'm proud to have met such brave fools like you, you are true pirates."

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