Chapter 81: Arriving at Fishman Island

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The Sunny roughly landed on the sea floor after the crew's successfully escape from the underwater volcano. (Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open from the bright light shinning down, slowly she stood up along side Brook. "I think I hit my head when we landed."

"Are we alive? Or dead?" Brook questioned, shaking the fuzziness off his skull.

Robin stood up, staring up above the Sunny. "There's light, but we're so deep in the sea."

"So bright. I've got stars in my eyes." Brook shielded his skull, looking up at the bright shinning light. "Rather, just stars, there aren't any eyes. Yohoho..." Brook sadly laughed.

"Guys! Check it out! Over there!" Luffy pointed over the side of the Sunny. "I think we made it!"

"Huh?" The crew collectively questioned, looking towards the direction their captain pointed in. Usopp squinted his eyes at the sight. "I can't see anything. It's too bright."

"C'mon, Nami. Tell us!" Luffy looked towards his navigator.

Nami held up her log pose. "Yep! There's no doubt about it! The needle is pointing straight ahead. We did it!"

"FISHMAN ISLAND!!" Luffy happily yelled out. "It's huge!!"

(Y/N)'s eyes finally adjusted to the bright like, allowing her to see all the sea creatures and fish swimming around a gigantic air bubble. "Wow... it's beautiful."

"It's in a giant bubble! It looks like they have clouds!" Nami happily exclaimed. "There must be air inside."

"Woah, does that mean we're 10,000 meters deep now? It's not as scary as I thought." Chopper smiled up at the sight.

Usopp pointed at the mangroves around the air bubble. "The trees really do reach all the way to the bottom! I can't believe what I'm seeing!"

"I'm so going to record this!" (Y/N) dug in her bag, but couldn't find her vision dial. "Chopper..." (Y/N) groaned holding her hand out to her doctor.

"Oh yeah, sorry." Chopper innocently giggled, placing (Y/N)'s vision dial back in her hand. "Thank you for letting me use it."

"I never let you." (Y/N) irritatedly snatched the dial before sighing. "But thank you for giving it back." She patted Choppers head with her other hand before snapping photos of the scene around her.

Surume lifted the Sunny higher for the Straw Hats, giving them a better view. "All right! We made it!!" Luffy yelled out in pure excitement.

Franky got in his signature pose. "The New World is next! Almost there!"

A barrel next to (Y/N) stared giggling and shaking making her look down at it in confusion. "What the hell?" Zoro quickly stopped the barrel by placing his foot on top of its lid. 'I guess it's that pirate captain we captured. Ugh, I can't believe he's still with us.'

Brook and Sanji began singing about mermaids before blood shot out of Sanji's nose. Usopp quickly yelled at him. "Hold up! You're not ready for this! You shouldn't even think about it!"

Chopper cried for Sanji as he fell back from loss of blood. Chopper crawled up next to Sanji. "I'm sorry! I thought my treatment would do the trick! I know it's your dream, but you're not healthy enough for mermaids." Chopper placed the pictures of Nami, Robin and (Y/N) in Sanji's hands and over his chest.

Usopp kelt down beside Sanji with tears in his eyes. "Doctor! For him, this is a fate worse than death. There's gotta be something you can do!"

"If he sees mermaids, it will be death!" Tears poured from Chopper's eyes. Usopp leaned over Sanji, saying how cruel the situation was.

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