Chapter 66: Octopus Fitters?! Yum!

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The mermaid turned to the Straw Hats, blankly staring at them for a few seconds before screaming in terror. Everyone jumped back from her sudden scream as the mermaid yelled. "OH MY GOSH! IT'S A BUNCH OF HUMANSS!!"

"Uh.. yeah." Luffy stared at her in shock before Chopper yelled at everyone to stop screaming.

"I'm sorry. I was just startled! Anyways, thanks for saving my life. It feels like I'm always getting swallowed by sea kings. This was probably the twentieth time!" The mermaid innocently smiled at the crew.

"That's concerning.." (Y/N) placed her hand on her cheek, tilting her head slightly. Usopp quickly added in. "You gotta stop that. Geez."

"There has to be some way to pay you guys back." The mermaid smiled brightly as if a lightbulb went off in her head. "Ooh! Octopus fritters!"

Luffy drooled like a dog from the thought of food. "You have some? Ooo gimme, gimme!"

"Sure thing! They're five hundred berries each. How many can I put you down for?" The Straw Hats collectively questioned the mermaid's bargain with shocked expressions on their faces. The starfish slapped the mermaid's face, yellling that she wasn't selling fitters to them. "AHH I'M NOT, AM I?!!"

Sanji began twirling around, singing praises about meeting mermaid. "Mermaids! The jewels of the sea! And she's adorable, just like I imagined!! I'm kidding, you're even better than I imagined! You said your name was Camie? This is the best day of my whole life!!"

Usopp waved off the cook's antics. "Come on. That's not true. You met Granny Kokoro, didn't you?"

Agony struck Sanji's face like a tidal wave from the memory of Kokoro's mermaid form, the chef fell to his hands and knees in dread. "Gigantic monsters? Zombies? That was nothing. That's not fear. My heart already felt like true meaning of terror when I saw her.."

Usopp held up his hands towards the cook. "It's okay! I know just how you feel. Let's just forget that ever happened, Sanji. She's the first mermaid we met."

(Y/N) had a death aura radiating off her making Usopp and Sanji slowly turn in fear. "What did you say about Kokoro?" Irritation was clearly present in her voice as she glared them down with a crooked smile.

"Uhh! We're sorry!! It's just that—" (Y/N) shut them up by giving them large bumps on their heads.

Luffy looked back at Franky in confusion. "Huh? Are you saying that Granny Kokoro was a mermaid? But she could walk and stuff."

"I see. Guess you never found out, did ya?" Franky rubbed his chin in thought. "You were busy fighting that Lucci guy when she saved us from drowning."

Disgust ran across Luffy's face. "Granny Kokoro was cool and all, but thinking of her as a mermaid is really gross."

"You'll be old some day, too!" Nami yelled as she punched her captain's face.

Luffy fell over before yelling up at the ginger. "That hurt! Why are you so strong?!"

(Y/N) grinned at Nami's work, watching the ginger irritatedly crossed her arms. "Geez. I had enough of you men and your gross mermaid fantasies."

"But still. She is rather cute, isn't she?" Robin smiled at the mermaid, (Y/N) nodded in agreement. "Most definitely."

Brook laughed as he walked up to Camie. "This is my first encounter with a mermaid as well." The skeleton crouched down to the mermaid. "Pardon me, but would you be so kind to lend me some money?" Sanji kicked Brook to his side, yelling at him for scaring Camie. The mermaid was still screaming about the walking and talking skeleton as Brook showed Camie he can open his skull. Sanji sent more kicks at the laughing pile of bones to scare him away from the mermaid, but Camie was clapping and smiling from Brook's skull trick. 'I'm not sure if I can keep up with this girl's mood swings..' (Y/N) giggled at her thought.

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