Chapter 31: Sniper King, Operation: Recuse Robin

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(Y/N) looked over at the long nosed man who hung his head low. "Usopp? What's up with you?"

Sanji, Franky and (Y/N) all looked over at Usopp while he spoke. "So much stuff has happened since I left. It almost doesn't seem real."

"In a way, Robin's in the same boat you are." Sanji spoke up back to the man. (Y/N) looked over at her cook in concern. "Never found out what happened with the Merry, or your fight with Luffy... it makes me ashamed to think it, but while we were busy fighting amongst ourselves. Robin surrendered to the government, so the seven of us could be saved. That includes you."

(Y/N) looked down, feeling nothing but shame. Franky brought out a pick guitar out of no where and started crying about sad the story was. "Why are you crying?" Sanji asked the pant less man.

"I'm not crying! You are!!" Franky yelled back, holding up his hand to Sanji as he wept. "Damn it! Now I'm all tore up! I always thought Robin was some evil monster, but it turns out she has a soft side?!" (Y/N) smiled at Franky's words. The man went on about being confused about other things, but (Y/N) turned to the front of the train with Sanji.

Sanji spoke for both of the Straw Hats that day, "I'm not gonna stand here in the rain when Robin's so close. I gotta save her, before it's too late."

"Sweet!" Franky got up from his crying position on the roof of the train. "Once again I'm Franky, leader of the Franky Family. You, (Y/N) and I would make a good team, eyebrows bro! I won't go into the details, but I got a pretty good reason to keep Robin away from those governments chumps too." Franky went straight back to crying about what Sanji explained to Usopp.

(Y/N) sighed in response to the man. "Alright everyone. Let's get this show started."

"No." (Y/N) turned around, looking concerned but also ticked off by Usopp's words. "I'm not coming! This doesn't have anything to do with me anymore. You're about to make yourself personal enemies of the World Government. I don't want to be any part of that! Besides, Luffy and the rest of the crew are coming. After I humiliated myself in front of them, I just can't pretend like nothing ever happened and laugh it off... I still feel bad for Robin, but I'm sorry. It's not my job to save her anymore... I'M NOT APART OF LUFFY'S CREW."

(Y/N) looked shocked, but slightly hung her head from her former crew mates words. "He's right. He is no longer a Straw Hat." (Y/N) looked over at Sanji with sadness in her eyes.

The cook pulled his crew mate into a hug before letting her go. Sanji looked at her in a way she's never seen him look before; the cook had soft and understanding eyes. Sanji held the woman by her shoulders, speaking to where only the two Straw Hats could hear. "I know, (Y/N). Give him time. We all know he is no longer a crew member, but he is still our friend."

(Y/N) looked up at her cook, smiling. Tears began to form in her eyes, but the (h/c) haired woman quickly she wiped them away. The two crew mates looked back to Usopp who began walking away from them. "See ya." Was the only thing the long nose said to the three behind him.

"See ya?!" Franky questioned. "There's no place to go. Come on! You guys can talk this over bro."

"Forget it. Just leave him." The cook said as he turned away from his former crew mate.

Franky grumbled a bit to himself before speaking to both the cook and the sniper. "You are both stubborn as hell."

"You're right, but we need to get moving—" (Y/N) looked over, spotting a Maine climbing on top of the sea train. "Shit they're here."

"AHHH!! THEY'RE RIGHT HERE!" The marine screamed out before a familiar voice yelled out "METALLIC STAR!!" The shot caused the marine to fall into the water below him.

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