Chapter 50: My Family Wants Me!

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The Straw Hats along with Jiro and Puzzle looked up to the sky to see many pirate flags above them. "Ugh. Come on Robin. Can't you link a bunch of your arms together to reach those flags?" Zoro spoke up first.

"Yes. But I can't tell which one of them is ours. There are too many." Robin stated back to the swordsman.

"Crap! What do we do now?!" Usopp questioned.

"Give me a sec. I'll see if I can find it." Before anyone could stop (Y/N), she flew up towards the flags. 'Not this one... Not this one either... Okay what is that even supposed to be?! Come on where is it?!!' (Y/N) flew around frantically trying to find the flag. After a while of searching, (Y/N) felt the exhaustion hitting her. 'I can't keep this up for long...' (Y/N) pushed a minute past her limit before flying back down on the ground. The woman huffed a bit before speaking. "Yeah.. no luck. I'm gonna sit down for a bit." The woman plopped herself down, catching her breath.

"No one told you to over work yourself like that!!" Zoro scolded the woman, but she just waved him off.

Sanji sighed. "Looks like we're screwed."

"Hey wait! Look guys." Chopper said to the ground making everyone look up. A sea bird coo'd at the group, flying down and dropping a flag on Chopper. The reindeer quickly got out from under the flag. "Look, this is it!"

(Y/N) got up and walked over as Sanji, Usopp, Zoro and Jiro opened the flag. Sure enough, it was the Jolly Rodger of the Straw Hat Pirates. "It's out flag!!" Sanji smiled at the flag.

"WE FINALLY GOT IT BACK!!!" Usopp screamed out, happily crying. Chopper jumped on the long nose, hugging his neck. "I can't believe it! I thought it was gone for good!!"

"We actually did it. We got our Jolly Rodger back." (Y/N) smiled at her joyful crew.

"Hey Robin, time to go!" Sanji shouted back at the archeologist. "Now that we got the flag, there's no reason to hang around here any longer."

"Lets move out! Next stop THE SUNNY!!" Usopp exclaimed as they all ran out of the building. The group ran up to the destruction outside.

"Is that... lava?!" (Y/N) stared in awe as she loomed over the cliff.

"Look! Over there!" Chopper made them all look at their captain standing in the mist of the lava. Usopp questioned what he could be doing, but his curiosity vanished when Chopper started yelling. "HEYY!! LOOK LUFFY!! LOOK AT THE FLA—" Thankfully Usopp and Sanji grabbed the flag and reindeer, stopping his screams.

"HEYY!! What are you guys think you're doing over there? Huh?" Luffy yelled back making (Y/N) jump in fear.

"Shit! Do you think he saw the flag?!" (Y/N) looked over at Usopp in worry.

"He saw us?! So now what?!!" Usopp wore the same worried expression back.

"EVERYONE!!" The group looked over to see Nami running towards them. "HURRY!! LETS HEAD BACK TO THE SHIP!!" Everyone shared a understanding look before they all started running back to the Sunny. Nami ran up along side her crew mates. "Listen. Stick to the plan, we can't let him know the truth!"

Luffy came up running after them. "STOP! WAIT! WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?! WHAT ABOUT OUR FLAG?!!"

"Sorry, can't hear you! Sorry, can't hear you! Sorry, can't hear you! Sorry!!" The Straw Hats chanted as they ran.

"Hey!! You're back!" Franky called out to his crew mates. "Hurry it up!!"

The group ran to the edge of the ice, they looked back to see their captain running right behind them. "Hey. He's almost here! What's the plan??" Usopp looked over to Nami.

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