Chapter 49: The Jolly Rodger of the Straw Hat Pirates

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"Come on! Can't you do something to warm it up in here?!" Nami angrily glared at the cyborg next to her.

"What exactly do you expect me to do? The controls are frozen solid. Though if you like, I suppose a little taste of my Fresh Fire might do it a pinch?" Franky brew out a bit of fire from his mouth at the ginger.

"ARE YOU INSANE?! You'll burn me and everything else to a crisp!!" (Y/N) giggled at Nami's reaction.

"You got any better ideas?" Franky questioned the ginger, but she was quick to angrily reply.

"Come up with something that doesn't involve me and danger!"

"Holy crap, are you're demanding."

"Not wanting to die is not demanding!!" (Y/N) couldn't help but laugh at the conversation in front of her. Nami quickly shifted her anger to the woman behind her making (Y/N) gulp. "And you! Why are you so calm?! Aren't you cold?!!"

"Um. No actually." (Y/N) held her arm up for Nami to feel. "You see, I can command the air around me to attract the warm air to my body so—" The woman was cut off by Nami pulling her forward and hugging her side.

"Ahh you're so warm..." The ginger happily rubbed her face on (Y/N)'s arm making the (h/c) haired woman blush.

"Um thanks, but—" (Y/N) got cut off by Franky also wrapping his arms around her.

"You're right, she is warm. It's like a laying on a warm marshmallow." Franky happily laid his head on her other arm.

"Oh you got to be kidding me." (Y/N) was burning up from how much she was blushing.

"How did she get even warming??" Nami questioned as she looked up at (Y/N). The ginger smirked at the (h/c) haired woman looking up and away from the two, her red hot face gave Nami her answer.

(Y/N) heard whispering below her making the woman look down. "What are you two talking about?" (Y/N) wore a scared and confused expression of her face when the two evilly looked back up at her. "I officially hate you guys..." (Y/N) said as Nami and Frank pressed the sides of their faces against hers.

"Shh warm pillows don't talk." Franky smiled happily as he spoke.

Finally the two let go of (Y/N) once the submarine hit roughly on the ground beneath them. Franky immediately went to check on if the door opened, and as it did, the cyborg jumped out. (Y/N) fell back in her seat, face still red hot with blush. 'This crew is gonna kill me with love one day...'

(Y/N)'s thoughts were interrupted by Franky's yelling. "Hey turd! You're gonna regret screwing around with my Shark Submerge when I get out of here! I'll shove that hockey stick where the sun don't shine!"

"Hakekeke! I'll like to see you try! Soon you'll all be frozen solid! Now that you're trapped it's only a matter of time!" Hockera laughed at the cyborg making (Y/N) finally get up and head outside.

"Okay... now I'm feeling the cold." (Y/N) said as she rubbed her arms.

"It's colder in here then it was in the sub!" Nami complained as she popper her head out of the submarine. "What's up with this place?!"

"Help... me..." A familiar voice made (Y/N) flitch.

"Sanji, Usopp?!" Nami turned around quickly, (Y/N) followed her lead.

"Are you guys okay??" (Y/N) ran over to the two, sliding on the ice beneath her before stopping.

"(Y/N)... please save me..." Usopp cried up at the woman who started untying the ropes wrapped around him.

"Nami, (Y/N).. I'm so sorry. Bastards got the drop on me." Sanji looked over at Nami then (Y/N) with a defeated look on his face.

"Don't apologize, Sanji. I'm sure they pulled a dirty trick to get the upper hand on a man like you..." Reality stuck the woman just as she said that. "Wait a minute.. Don't tell me it was that purple haired woman we saw before." (Y/N) glared down the cook who nervously looked away from her. "Do we have to untie him, Nami?"

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