Chapter 21: The Puffing Tom

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(Y/N) slowly opened her eyes to see the ceiling in the main cabin. "Robin!" She jolted up causing her head to spin. "Uggh what happened?"

Chopper jumped up scared from the woman's sudden yell. "Oh! (Y/N), you're up!" The small doctor gave her some water and medicine to take. "This should help your headache. How are you feeling?"

"Alright. Just tired... wait where's Robin and the others? How did I get here? What happened with the admiral?!" (Y/N)'s memories flooded back to her.

"Slow down. I know you have questions, but you need your rest. Robin and Luffy are right next to you resting as well." Chopper's words made the (h/c) haired woman turn to her right. She smiled to see the unthawed Robin sleeping peacefully for the time being, Luffy right next to her as well. "What happened to Luffy?"

"He lost in the fight against Aokijii. Thankfully he wasn't killed, but just frozen like Robin. We worked real hard to unthaw them." Chopper said with a sigh of relief for his patients.

(Y/N) placed a hand on his small shoulders. "Thank you, doctor. I can't express how much I appreciate you for all you do." Chopper danced from (Y/N)'s words, telling her it wasn't going to make him happy or anything.

(Y/N) looked around the room, but couldn't find her sickles anywhere. She struggled a bit, but stood up always. "Wait (Y/N)! You should be resting! Come back!" She reached the door, opening it to see the rest of her crew on the deck talking amongst themselves.

"(Y/N)!! You look as gorgeous as ever, care for some tea? Freshly made for you my sweet!" Sanji said with heart eyes as the Nami and Usopp smiled up at her.

"Wait shouldn't you be resting?" Nami questioned as she looked at Chopper.

"Yes, but she's determined to disobey doctor's orders!" Chopper angrily looked up at the (h/c) haired woman who was looking around the deck. Spotting the green headed swordsman on the other side of the mast. The woman nearly fell down the stairs, but was caught by Sanji.

"(Y/N) you don't look too well, you should really listen to Chopper and get back to bed." Usopp crossed his arms at the woman, but she just ignored him and continued walking with Sanji's help.

She leaned up against the mast looking down to the swordsman. Her (e/c) eyes widened with surprise seeing Zoro polishing her sickles. "Thank you, swordsman."

"Yeah, yeah. Get back to bed. I'll put them by your side before you wake up, I promise." Zoro didn't look up at her, but she could tell he was smiling.

"Really (Y/N)? For some weapons?" Nami questioned the girl's prior actions, but before (Y/N) could answer, she got picked up bridal style by the now big sized doctor.

"You guys can talk later. I'm taking my patient back to bed. She is not allowed to get up without doctor's orders, you hear?!" The annoyed doctor said as the others nodded their heads in response.

Chopper got (Y/N) back in bed and told her to rest, scolding her for not listening the first time. "I know, doctor. I'm sorry, really. I just wanted to make sure my blades were okay."

"Why do you care so much about them anyways?" Chopper question made sadness fall upon her eyes.

"They were my mothers." The doctor looked sad and apologized for asking.

"No, don't be sorry. I never liked her growing up, but now I realized why she did the things she did. If only I could have saw that for the many years I resented her. Even at Navarone, I cursed her name." (Y/N) sighed before laying back down. "But I do thank my mother, because of her, I got to meet so many great people. Like you, Chopper."

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