Chapter 27: Flam or Franky?

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(Y/N) sat on the make shift table the remaining crew made with crates. Sanji and Zoro were arguing about the Franky Family while (Y/N) sat in silence.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Nami yelled at the two as she walked in to the door. "There's been enough fighting already... whatever happened, it's over now."

"Ooh well I know, but this wouldn't be happening if it wasn't from him." Sanji tried to push the blame on Zoro as Chopper opened the door.

The little reindeer hung his head low and he walked inside to the others. "Oh hey. You're back. You're going after Usopp, weren't you?" Zoro asked the little doctor.

"Even if he was mad, I still wanted to treat his wounds." Chopper walked up to (Y/N). "But he turned me away. He found a place to stay, so at least he can get some rest. But do you know what he said to me? He said we aren't friends anymore, so I should leave him alone and go back to the ship." Chopper looked up to the (h/c) haired girl, trying not to bawl tears.

'Not friends anymore?! I get not being crew mates, but no longer friends? That's cruel Usopp...' (Y/N) thought to herself. The woman looked down to the small doctor before her with a frown.

(Y/N) said nothing when she fell to her knees in front of Chopper, hugging him tightly. "Just this morning we were all so happy." Nami spoke to the group. "And no what? We lost Usopp, Robin's still missing. I feel like if we don't do something... the whole crew is going to fall apart."

Chopper cried softly into (Y/N)'s shoulder, the woman held back her tears to comfort her friend. 'I need to be strong. Not only for Chopper, but for my crew.' (Y/N) thought, hugging Chopper a bit tighter.

The five crew mates watched as the captain waiting for the former crew mate to return. The night was foggy, making the everyone more tense than before.

"Listen up! I don't want any of you leaving the ship. You got that?" Luffy called out to his remaining crew members when everyone heard footsteps approaching.

Nami pointed out the figure that walked up towards the crew. "PLEASE DON'T FIGHT!!!" Chopper yelled to Usopp who continued to approach them.

"He was the one who believed in me first... he called me a good person without truly knowing me. Usopp is the one who convinced me to join in the first place." (Y/N) spoke to her other crew members, her voice shaking ever so lightly. Nami took held the (h/c) haired woman's hand in hers as they watched their friends stand off against each other.

(Y/N) watched in amazement due it the fight being controlled by Usopp. The long nose even managed to pull of a major explosion that packed more of a powerful punch than a cannon's fire. Sadly the fight ended in Usopp causing his own demise. The man used an impact dial against his opponent, making him incapable to fight while Luffy was still able to stand. The Straw Hat threw the final punch into Usopp's stomach, finishing the duel for Merry. "Even after all that... he never stood a chance." (Y/N) quietly spoke to herself, but it was the truth.

"At least it's over now." Zoro spoke up to the group.

"You knew it would end like this... YOU KNEW YOU COULD NEVER BEAT ME!" Luffy fell on his knees, yelling at the defeated man in front of him. The captain got up and began walking away from his former crew mate.

"Why did this have to happen?!" Nami said with tears in her eyes.

Luffy picked up his straw hat, placing it on his head, before taking to Usopp again. "Do what you want with the Merry. I won't let anything hold us back. We are getting a new ship, and sailing forward."

Chopper ran to grab his medical bag, but was quickly stopped by Sanji. "Chopper, leave him alone!"

"What are you saying?! He was already hurt before the fight! If I don't help him, who knows what's going to happen?! Chopper yelled back, throwing Sanji's hand off his shoulder.

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