Chapter 34: Enel's Lobby

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Sniper King and Chopper were blown back from the Rocket Man when the marines shot their bazooka cannons at the train. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?! NAMI AND THE OTHERS WERE IN THERE!!" (Y/N) screamed at the marines. They shook in fear from the anger radiating off of the woman.

Sanji looked over at (Y/N) in shock from how pissed she was, but turned his attention back to the Rocket Man. "If they harmed a hair on her head, I swear!"

"Hold on a second pirate A." Zoro calmly said making Sanji speed walk back up to the swordsman.

"WHAT?!!" The cook angrily questioned Zoro.

"Nami's not a background character, like you. It's gonna take a lot more than one sorry little bazooka attack to defeat her." (Y/N) smiled at the swordsman's words, but her happiness was quickly halted by Sanji getting hit on his head from broke piece of metal.

(Y/N) busted out laughing. "It must have flew off the Rocket Man." The woman was crying from laughter when she heard marines yelling to cease fire.

(Y/N) looked up to see Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe waving happily at the marines. "They Straw Hat pirates threatened to do all kinds of rude and immoral stuff if I didn't operate the train for them!" Kokoro yelled out to the marines below.

"Those meanies!" Chimney joined in along with Gonbe.

(Y/N) stared at them in surprised shock, but looked up to the sky to see a giant thundercloud appearing above the train. "AHHH THAT THE HELL IS THAT?!!?!" The (h/c) haired woman screamed in fear.

"Using cool ball and heat balls, I can turn the moisture in the air into clouds." A familiar ginger's voice stole (Y/N)'s attention.

Sanji began clapping and love sick singing. "There you are Nami Swan~!! I knew you'll make it out okay!"

"Um, Nami... I have no idea what you're doing, but don't you think that's large enough of a nimbostrabus cloud." (Y/N) looked back and forth between the navigator and the cloud in fear.

"He didn't name it the prefect climatic for nothing." Nami said looking up at the cloud. "These clouds are growing a lot faster than before. The question is: how strong are the thunder bolts?"

"What... did you say...?" (Y/N) slowly turned to face Nami, watching in fear as the end of her climate began sparking with electricity.

"I hope you're ready..." Nami swung back her weapon. "Because here comes the new THUNDER BOLT TEMPO!!"

(Y/N) screamed in fear mixed with amazement as she watched lightning rain down around them. The woman kept screaming like a little girl, but quickly realized the chaos was over.

Blushing from the sudden quietness around her, (Y/N) cleared her throat before calmly speaking to her crew mates. "I knew I would survive that."

"OH SHUT UP YOU WERE SCARED TOO!!" Nami, Chopper and Sniper King yelled at the woman.

Sniper King looked out on the sea of knocked out marines. "That thing is crazy powerful. You beat everyone!"

The four Straw Hats looked over at the electrified Sanji and Zoro, nervously sweating at the two. The swordsman quickly got up yelling at Nami to watch where she aimed her climatic while the cook was too love sick to care about the electricity sent through him.

(Y/N) facepalmed at her group, but she turned to hear Kokoro. "Seems like the storm has past!"

"That was awesome pirate lady!!" Chimney waved at the crew along with Gonbe.

"Kokoro, Chimney, Gonbe!!" (Y/N) waved over to the three happily. "You guys are okay! Thank goodness."

"So anyway, what about our captain." Zoro asked his crew mates that stood around him. "Any guesses where he went?"

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