Chapter 35: The Straw Hats

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"You want us to take Franky, (Y/N) and Nico Robin to the Gate's of Justice now?!" A marine questioned Spandom's orders as the three sat in their binds.

"Yes! Do it! Quickly!!" Spandom yelled at the men in front of him.

"But we're way ahead of schedule. The escort ship isn't even ready yet!" The marine quickly explained to his chief.

"I don't care! We can just wait for it on the other side of the gates. If we get rid of those three, the pirates won't have any reason to fight anymore! There's no point in risking another battle with those monsters when we have to power to end this right now!" (Y/N) couldn't help but smirk from the fear radiating off the man. "And while you're at it, gather all the members of CP-9 too!"

"SIR!" The marines saluted the man before running off to complete their orders.

Spandom sighed in relief before turning his attention to the three in chains. "Now... it seems as if your one way trip to hell will be departing ahead of schedule. Then we'll have all the time in the world to deal with your friends." The man evilly laughed at the three.

"ROBINNNN!!!!" Luffy's voice was heard making (Y/N) smile up at Spandom.

"Yeah! He made it!" Franky laughed a bit as Robin gasped in shock from here her captain.

"Told you he was here." (Y/N)'s grin never left her face.

"I'M HERE TO SAVE YOU!!!!" Luffy yelled out once more.

Spandom ran back into his office, leaving the three behind. The three waited in silence as the watched marines run in and out of Spandom's office.

Franky was first to talk, which spooked (Y/N) lightly. "Hey. Get that chin up, Nico Robin... ya know, most people wouldn't come here to save their friends. Hell, most people couldn't make it here at all. Don't get me wrong. I know the only reason you agreed to the government's terms was so you could protect them. But you saw what happened! They don't give a damn about keeping their word to you or anyone else. The deal is shot. Even if you keep your end of the bargain, it's not gonna help anyone. Only thing left is to wait for your crew to break you out of this dump. Doesn't sound so bad to me. And yet, here you are looking as miserable as ever. I bet you're running from something even your friends don't know about... I wouldn't worry about the Straw Hats dying in this place, but if you can't look them in the eye. In the end, they won't be able to save ya."

(Y/N) looked at the ground while Franky spoke. The three heard Luffy yell once more. "HEYY!! IS ANYBODY THERE?!!"

"Well wether you like it or not, I'm gonna make you face 'em." Both (Y/N) and Robin looked over at Franky in confused shock. The women locked eyes with each other making the two quickly look away.

(Y/N) finally mustered the courage to speak up to the two beside her. "Franky, that's enough. If Robin doesn't want to—"

"Now is not the time, (Y/N)." Franky sternly said as he looked over at the woman.

(Y/N) quickly looked away from him before speaking again. "He's right, Robin." The woman spoke softly, taking Robin's attention. "We may not look like it, or act like it most of the time, but we're your friends. And we'll take on the World Government if we have to, just to get you back. Your hardships are no longer just your responsibilities. They belong to us now. I'm sorry if that's too much for you to bare, but here we are and there's nothing you can do about it." (Y/N) finally looked up at her friend with a soft smile on her face. "Welcome to the Straw Hats, Nico Robin."

Robin looked shocked by the woman's words. (Y/N) could tell she was about to speak, but the three heard footsteps approaching followed by a familiar annoying voice. "Listen up, all of you! We're putting Nico Robin out of Straw Hat's reach immediately. Come with me to the Gate's of Justice. Bring the prisoners!"

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