Chapter 88: Blowfish for Dinner? Yuck!

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(Y/N) found herself next to Chopper and Usopp as a large group of new Fishman Pirates were yelling up at Wadatsumi to stop crying and beat up Surume. "What's going on?"

"Surume's about to beat up that Sea Bonze!" Chopper happily replied.

Usopp smiled up at the kraken, holding his fist in the air. "I know you can win, Surume!" Chopper added in. "Come on, kick his butt!"

(Y/N) looked back Surume holding up four of his tentacles and air boxing as if he was warming up for a fight. "This is so stupid."

"It's not stupid!" Chopper quickly yelled at (Y/N). Usopp joined in. "We need him to win so we won't have to deal with that guy! So cheer him on!"

"Yeah, no. I'll pass." (Y/N) waved off her crew mates as they quickly 'boo'ed her.

"Er, there, there. Perhaps you didn't hear correctly." The stripped Fishman from before spoke to Wadatsumi, making (Y/N) look at him. Wadatsumi 'huh'ed the Fishman as one of his large tear drops fell on him. The Fishman continued. "He didn't say 'sacrifice.' He said, uh, 'some help would be nice!'" Wadatsumi 'huh'ed his words again. (Y/N) blankly stared at Wadatsumi and the stripped Fishman. 'He definitely said 'sacrifice.' The striped Fishman continued. "You didn't really think he would destroy the island and leave you to your death, did you?"

"But... he did say I was gonna die!" Wadatsumi shouted back.

The stripped Fishman crosses his arms. "He was just saying that you should fight as though as you were prepared to die."

"Really?" Wadatsumi had desperation in his voice. (Y/N) facepalmed at the situation. 'Don't tell me he's really going to convince him.'

"Tell him." The striped Fishman commanded the men behind him. The new Fishman Pirates thought for a moment before agreeing and saying how much Decken trusts Wadatsumi.

"Ooh... Now I get it!" Wadatsumi brightly smiled with tears still him his eyes.

'I don't think you do.' (Y/N) thought as she stared up at Wadatsumi. The striped Fishman held out his hand. "Anyway, this is for you! I want you to take it so you can help us defeat those mean old Straw Hats, okay?" The Fishman threw a small red and black pill into Wadatsumi's mouth.

The new Fishman Pirates claimed the pill to be an Energy Steroid and questioned if it would work on such a large Fishman. 'Energy Steroid? Isn't that the drug they said Hordy took? Wait a sec... that's why I can see two power levels from Hordy. So it's a drug that enhanced someone's power, I wonder what the repercussions are...' (Y/N) was snapped out of her thoughts when Wadatsumi glowed red. The Fishman's eyes burned with rage as threw his arms to the sky and let out a blood curling scream. "Shit. He's hella strong now." (Y/N) grinned her teeth at the situation as Usopp and Chopper screamed in fear.

Wadatsumi charged at Surume making the kraken ready himself to fight. But Surume's power was no match for Wadatsumi, the giant Fishman easily knocked the kraken back with a clean punch to Surume's face. Usopp and Chopper ran up to Surume's side, yelling for their friend. "I'm sorry, Captain! I should've trusted you all along!" Wadatsumi yelled up at the Noah. "Time for you two!" Wadatsumi lifted his foot above Chopper and Usopp.

(Y/N) quickly ran up to her boys, grabbing the back of their collars and throwing them out of the way. Quickly, she pulled out her sickles and held them across her chest. "Secret Technique: Kamaitachi Furrow!" (Y/N) sent out an 'X' shaped thrust toward Wadatsumi's foot.

Wadatsumi screamed out in pain as the trust sliced her foot. "AHH!! Did I step on a sharp rock?!" Wadatsumi hopped back a few feet before looking down at (Y/N). "Was it you? Leave me alone, you meanie!" The giant Fishman cried and hopped away from the kraken and the three Straw Hats. 'I'm surprised that didn't cut his foot off, I guess that pill really toughened him up.'

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