Chapter 23: 300 Million Berries?!

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"This is great!!" Luffy laughed besides Nami, Usopp and (Y/N) who were all traveling though Water 7 on yagaras. "You're the best, horse fish!"

"We might not be traveling in style, but I gotta admit, this sure is handy!" Usopp yelled out to his crew mates, staring at the water below.

"Who knew riding a fish would be so comfy?" Nami smiled, the wind blowing her hair behind her.

"I told you it would be fun, didn't I?" (Y/N) giggled at her crew mates besides her.

The city around them was filled with laughter from children playing and adults busy with daily life. "Ah... I didn't think there would be canals running by people's houses. They're everywhere!" Usopp pointed out what the group traveled by.

"I'm trying to follow the map, but I don't want to miss anything!" Nami was looking back and forth from the city to the map.

"It's full of surprises so watch out!" (Y/N) smirked at the ginger.

A civilian asked the group if they were sightseeing, but Luffy explained they were here to get their ship repaired. "In that case, you should probably go to the backstreet shopping district first!"

Luffy thanked the man as Nami looked down at the map. "Backstreet shopping district? Let's take the next right!" Another man asked Nami if she would like to have dinner with him, but got quickly shut up by his wife. The woman apologized quickly to the ginger.

"That was awkward..." (Y/N) just kept looking forward to avoid any unwanted attention.

"Not that I don't appreciate a warm welcome, but these people are so friendly.. it's kind of weird." Usopp spoke up with concern when a man called out to the long nose just to say hello.

After a bit of calm riding, the group came upon two upstream canals. "Huh? Uh we're about to go against the flow. We aren't supposed to go up, are we?" Long nose asked his navigator.

The there yagaras started to swim quickly up the left stream. "Um.. Nami?!" (Y/N) screamed when the yagaras drove them upstream.

Luffy complimented the yagaras for being able to swim up to the top of the buildings. "Who cares?! We are going the wrong way! We need to go to the shopping district!" Nami yelled at her captain.

"Why?! What's the rush?? You want to see the rest of the city don't you?" Luffy questioned his navigator.

Straw Hat's three other crew mates started panicking when they saw the steep drop they are about to take. Luffy just giggled while the other three were shaking in fear.

"AHHHHH!!!" (Y/N) held tightly to the small boat she was in when they flew down the canal. "I think I'm gonna vomit Sanji's potato pie—"

The three yagaras flew off the canal making Nami, Usopp and (Y/N) cry in fear for their demise. Thankfully the group survived, roughly hitting the water below them. "Stop showing off!!" Nami smacked her yagara's head who just giggled at her.

The sounds of bells ringing and people shopping filled their ears. "We ended up in the shopping district after all..." Nami looked out to the sea of people in front of her. "You guys took a short cut, didn't you?" The ginger apologized to the yagara she hit.

"Thank you guys, but a warning next time would be great." (Y/N) pat her yagara's head.

"Woah look! That bull is huge!" Luffy pointed straight ahead.

"That's a Rabuka bull the shop keeper mentioned." (Y/N) instructed the group to move aside.

"Huh? Them. Their all wearing masks. That's weird." Usopp pointed out the group on top of the Rabuka bull. Nami compliment them while Usopp suggested the group must be going to a party.

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