Chapter 15: Clash Landing on G-8

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'Damn they got out of here pretty quickly.' (Y/N) thought as she stood on Merry's head, her body invisible to the eye since she turned herself into air.

The invisible woman looked upon the sea of marines in small row boats. (Y/N) watched as a wave of marines boarded the Merry, coving the ship in caution tape. 'What the hell are they doing to you, Merry?'

(Y/N) over heard a conversation a few marines here having. "Ghost ship, huh?" The (h/c) haired woman watched a man pour out the hot and fresh coffee Sanji made into an empty cup. "Smells delicious."

'He looks like the commander of this base.' (Y/N) thought as she stood silently and watched the man hand the cup of coffee to another marine behind him. The marine started sniffing the coffee which almost made (Y/N) giggle, but she held back her laughter in fear of getting caught. 'That moron looks pretty high up on the food chain, but he seems pretty dual headed to me.'

(Y/N) thoughts were interrupted as she heard a marine call out to his commander. "Look what I found in one of the rooms!"

The woman's (e/c) eyes widened as she saw the marine holding a bit of her crew's precious gold. 'Son of a— Ugh I should have know they would have found the gold eventually.'

"Ingots and a crown? These treasures are quite old. The pirates must of stolen them from some ancient ruins." The commander placed his hand on his chin as he pondered. The command's right hand man yelled at the marine to take the treasure to the lab as the commander said for them to take a look inside.

(Y/N) and all the marines looked up to the south bird that coo'ed on the top of the sail. "What the—" The lieutenant commander was about to question the bird's existence, but his commander interrupted him.

"Easy there. It's just an ordinary south bird."

"A south bird?" The lieutenant questioned.

"Yes. They always point south which made them a prize possession for sailors of old, despite their silly appearance." The commander's words pissed off the south bird causing him to fly down and attack the commander before flying off.

(Y/N) was crying from trying not to laugh as the commander got up saying, "They are certainly violent little creature."

(Y/N) slipped inside the door as the commander and the lieutenant entered the main cabin. She watched as they examined the room finding everyone's belongings.

"Hm.. the kitchen is well maintained." The commander spoke up to his colleagues.

"Medical and history books, sir. New ones." A marine showed his commander.

"Hm... interesting. Seems these ghost study a lot." The commander sarcastically said as the lieutenant deemed the fact of ghosts to be ridiculous.

"What's this?" The commander held up (Y/N)'s log book and flipped through the pages. "These logs date back all the way to 10 years ago, but how? The Straw Hats are a new pirate crew." He looked puzzled as he closed the book. Shock fell of his eyes when he read the name carved on the back of the log book. "(Y/N) (L/N)? Isn't she Sengoku's daughter?" The muttered to himself unknowing of the woman who stood only mere feet away from him.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened after hearing a name she heard when she was a child. 'How does this man know my father? On top of that, how does he know we are related even after I took on my mother's last name?! I need answers.'

(Y/N) followed the man outside, carefully avoiding any marine in her path.

The commander clapped twice to get the attention of his men. "Excellent work men! Stay brave and remember to keep a watchful eye during your investigation of this ghost ship." His words caused the marines around him to mildly panic, questioning why he would call the vessel a ghost ship. "Back to work."

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