Chapter 85: Straw Hats vs the New Fishman Pirates

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Once the Sunny searched around the Ryugu Palace, Chopper, Franky, Sanji and (Y/N) finally spotted movement. Neptune's whale sprung out of the palace's bubble making the ship approach the area. "Look! They're here!" Chopper pointed down at Zoro, Brook, Usopp and Pappag.

"Hey! We came to get you!" Franky yelled down as they pressed against the palace's bubble.

"Great, they're still alive." Sanji blankly stared at the four when they finally popped out.

(Y/N) sighed, pulling out her right sickle. "I got 'em." (Y/N) hopped on Sunny's railing, commanding a large green vine that was shaped like a giant hand and scooped up the four boys before gently placing them on the grass deck.

"Woah! (Y/N)! I didn't know you can do that now!" Chopper jumped up and down with stars in his eyes as (Y/N) retracted her sickle.

(Y/N) spun her blade back in its sleeve. "Really? Didn't you remember when I shaped a vine like a dragon back when we.. urm..." (Y/N) squatted next to Chopper, loudly whispering in his ear as she looked at Franky. "...beat up the Franky Family." Franky glared down at the giggling Chopper and (Y/N), but rolled his eyes in response. Zoro, Usopp and Brook coughed up water as Pappag huffed from exhaustion. Chopper quickly ran over to his crew mates and started to do check ups on all of them. (Y/N) stood upright and stared in disbelief at the sliced in half building inside the palace's air bubble. "What the hell did you do?!" (Y/N) irritated yelled at Zoro.

Zoro 'tsk'ed, sitting up to look at (Y/N). "What do you mean? I had to save them somehow."

"Why couldn't you just cut the cage and not the whole damn building?!!" (Y/N) rubbed her temples in frustration.

Usopp sat up, shaking himself awake. "Hey, all that matters is that we're out and safe, right?"

"I mean, yeah, but still. I'm so not going to be the one to explain that to grandpa." (Y/N) sassed, putting her hands on her hips.

Sanji lit another cig. "It's obvious that stupid moss-head doesn't know how to properly escape from a cage."

"Oh, so there's a 'proper' way now?! Why don't I put you in a cage with rushing water building up beneath you and see how you like it!" Zoro yelled back as he stood up to butt heads with Sanji.

(Y/N) blankly stared at the two for a few seconds. "I don't even have the mental strength to yell at them right now." Chopper and Usopp joined her blank staring. "Uh-huh."

Brook leaned over (Y/N)'s shoulder. "What's the plan now, (Y/N)? Have you found the others?"

"Oh yeah. Franky, could you go ahead and take us to the Conchcorde Plaza." (Y/N) smiled up at her cyborg.

"You got it!" Franky grinned and headed to the helm. Soon, he began steering the Sunny to their new destination.

"Wait, why are we going there?" Usopp questioned, crossing his arms in confusion.

(Y/N) picked up Chopper and placed him on her shoulders before innocently smiling back at Usopp. "We're gonna go kick Hordy's ass."

"Huh?!! What do you mean by that?!" Dread washed over Usopp's face. "Zoro tried to fight that guy and even he struggled!"

Zoro quickly turned to Usopp making Sanji fall straight to the grass deck and on his face. "We were underwater and I didn't have an air bubble. I would have easily took him down if we were fighting in my element."

(Y/N) ignored Zoro's whining, looking back at Usopp. "Jimbei is hoping he can work things out with Hordy, before things get ugly, but I wouldn't bet on it." (Y/N) sighed, looking down at the grass beneath her for a few seconds. "I understand how Fishfolk here see humans, while I was shopping with Nami, I overheard a conversation. A few Fishwomen really didn't like the fact I was even in the island, even going as far as ridiculing my appearance, but I still believe what Hordy is doing is wrong. He's turning against his own kind just because they wish to see a world were humans and Fishfolk could work together, going as far as killing them... it's just.. sickening. That's why I'm ready to fight for this island even if they won't appreciate it."

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