Chapter 28: Plan to Capture Robin

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(Y/N) bit Franky's hand, but it was hard as iron making the girl scream from pain. Franky quickly enter an empty ally way, placing (Y/N) in front of him. "(Y/N) don't scream when I let go, got it?" The woman slowly nodded her head in agreement. "Okay. I'm gonna let go now. No screaming."

Franky took his hand of her mouth. They were silent for a few seconds, staring at each other. "AHHHHHH—" (Y/N)'s mouth got covered up again.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO SCREAM!!" Frankly yelled at the (h/c) haired woman.

(Y/N) took his hand off her mouth. "YOU'RE THE ONE SCREAMING NOW!" The woman yelled back.

"SAYS THE ONE SCREA—" Franky got cut off by an old man popping out of a window, yelling at the two to be quiet.

(Y/N) waved off the man before looking back to Franky. "It's really you, isn't it?"

"Sometimes I can't believe it myself." Franky rubbed the back of his head nervously looking away from her.

(Y/N) was so overwhelmed with joy, all she could do was hug the man before her. Happy tears pouring from her eyes. "Flam... I don't know or care how, you're alive! I can't believe this, are you sure I'm not dreaming?"

Franky hugged her back gently. "It's 'Franky' now. Remember? Like my old battle ships?"

(Y/N) looked up at the man. "I knew I heard that name from somewhere!"

Franky laughed, wiping her tears off her cheek for her. "You've grown so much. I guess I can't call you 'kid' anymore, can I?"

"As if I ever let you call me that in the first place." (Y/N) giggled up at the man. "You have to tell me why you chest is so hard though." (Y/N) knocked on his stomach.

"What? You don't like these rock hard abs?" Franky gave (Y/N) a goofy grin.

"Oh there is no way the Fla— Franky, I know would have worked this hard on his abs. Let alone your arms, what the hell did you do to your body?!" (Y/N) inspected left his arm and hand, but before Franky could answer, a newspaper hit (Y/N)'s face.

"Haha! Nice shot wind!" Franky laughed hard as (Y/N) pulled the paper off her face.

'Culprits in the Assassination Plot... oh no. They have Zoro's, Luffy's and Robin's bounties posted here. I better get going back to my crew, how the hell did I forget about that?!' (Y/N) face wore absolute panic when she saw the paper.

"(Y/N)? Is there something wrong?" Franky looked at her with concern.

"Yeah, it's my friends. I need to find them right away. Where can I find you after I clear things up with them?" (Y/N) asked as she rolled up the newspaper and placed it in my bag.

"Do you know where my old hideout is? I'll be there before Aqua Laguna hits. Meet me there tonight, got it?" (Y/N) nodded to Franky's words before leaping up the side of the houses and onto the roofs.

(Y/N) searched for what felt like hours for her crew mates. "Damn, I didn't realize how huge this town is." (Y/N) said as she landed on another house. "Where are they—"

(Y/N) looked around her when she heard a familiar ginger's voice yelling at someone.

(Y/N) jumped over a few houses in the direction she heard Nami's voice. "NAMI?? WAS THAT YOU UP HERE??"

"(Y/N)?!" Nami called out to her.

(Y/N) flipped her head around, finally seeing a group of four on top sitting on top of a building. The (h/c) haired woman leaped through the air over to them. "Oh hey Nami, Luffy, Zoro and Chopper. What are you guys up to—"

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