Chapter 70: Auction House on Grove 1

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(Y/N) sighed, placing her hands on the handles of her sickles as Zoro and herself were surrounded by men with blades. "We're trying to get back to our ship. Fella's know where Grove number 1 is?" Zoro questioned the men, shadows covering his eyes.

"Heh! Well sure we do." The men moved in closer.

"Really? Would you boys mind helping us out and telling us, so we can get on our way?" (Y/N) smirked, shadows also covering her eyes.

One of the men spoke up. "Oh I'll tell you alright, but don't go thinking you're walking away from here. Pirate Hunter Zoro! Yurei (Y/N)! Your three hundred million combined bounty is MINE!!" Both (Y/N) and Zoro finally looked up at the men. Their murderous gaze made the men stumble backwards, even causing a few drop their weapons. The man nervously laughed, placing a hand on his head. "Uhh. Let me think! Uhh which way's Grove 1?"

After the two beat up the men and were finally given the directions, they began walking again. "Are you sure it's Grove 1? I have a feeling it was a higher number than that."

"At least I was the one that checked the number before we left." Zoro sassed back.

"Ugh. Fair point. But still, having you lead isn't making me feel any better." (Y/N) hung her head a bit.

Zoro looked up at the mangrove tree they were on. "Huh? We're already at Grove number 2, huh? Not much farther to go."

"That's good. I'm so ready to move on from this twisted place." (Y/N) happily sighed. "And to think there are such nasty people here, yet it's so beautiful on its own."

"Yeah. I gotta admit it's rather disappointing." Zoro clicked his tongue at the thought. The two walked in peace for a while before Zoro looked up at the next mangrove tree. "Number 13? Didn't we pass by number 2 just now?"

"Oh you got to be kidding me. See, this is why I had doubts about you leading." (Y/N) placed her hands on her hips, yelling at her swordsman.

Zoro waved her off. "Whatever. Let's keep moving."

(Y/N) sighed. "We'll be walking for days before we see the Sunny again."

Zoro 'tsk'ed her words. "Don't be overdramatic."

(Y/N) was about to sass back when she heard someone speak in front of them. "That swordsman guy was a bloodthirsty beast!" Another man added. "Not to mention that woman. She's a cutie, but I'll hate to be on the wrong end of her blades. What were they? They looked like sickles, but I couldn't tell."

Another man spoke up. "We should have known better. They had a combined bounty of three hundred million. They weren't a couple of chumps!"

A third one added in. "I don't care how much their bounties were, it ain't worth it. Mess with them and you're dead." They all exclaimed together as Zoro and (Y/N) passed them "That was rough. I hope I never run into those two again."

The two Straw Hats stopped in their tracks making the three men gasp in fear. The Straw Hats turned back in confusion making the men run away. "Hey you! Hold it right there!" Zoro yelled, halting the men in their tracks. "Don't I know you from somewhere?"

(Y/N) cracked her knuckles. "They're the ones that gave us those 'directions' remember, Roronoa?" Zoro dealt with the three swiftly by beating the crap out of them. (Y/N) just sat back and watched her swordsman work. Placing her head in her hand in thought. 'I swear, bad boys are always the hottest.' The three nervously laughed after their beating. "What brings you here again?"

"Okay, out with it! You gave me fake directions, what are you trying to pull?!" Zoro irritatedly yelled at the men.

"No, no, no. Nothing of the sort, I swear to you. You asked for directions to Grove 1, and that's what we gave you. We were more than happy to help." One of the men quickly explained.

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