Chapter 32: Reaching Robin

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(Y/N) began walking past Wanze after hearing her crew mate's words. "I can trust you'll handle him swiftly?"

"Why of course my darling (Y/N). You can always count on me." Sanji said in chivalry manner before looking up at the other two in his group. "Like I said this guy is mine. You go ahead, I'll catch up with you guys later. Remember above anything else, our priority right now is to save Robin."

"That's impossible!" Wanze yelled out before grabbing a bag of flour, pouring it in his mouth as he spoke. "I won't let you pass throughhugghhh."

Wanze mixed the flour in his mouth before shooting sharp strands of ramen though his nose and at Franky and Usopp, forcing the men to dodge left and right.

(Y/N) calmly walked up to the door, opening it. "I'll see you boys soon, 'kay?" Before the men could question her, the (h/c) haired woman closed the door.

(Y/N) now stood between the third and fourth car, but she quickly jumped on top of the third car's roof causing a small thump on the top. 'Hopefully no one heard that.' The woman thought, but she got her answer when she heard the door to the third car open below her.

The woman turned herself into air, invisible to the naked eye, and watched as a man with a large feather in his hat looked around the car where (Y/N) was standing. (Y/N) waiting til the man moved far enough away from the door to slip into the car he came out of. The woman quickly realized that man was the only one in the car three. "Well. No sight of Robin just yet."

(Y/N) continued onward to the next car. She opened the back door to the car two, but was greeted with all of C-9 and a few more marines staring blankly at her. "Um... wrong car, sorry." The woman nervously laughed as she slowly closed the door shut.

(Y/N) groaned as she heard a few yells from inside the cart in front of her. The door swans open, but the woman was no where to be seen. 'So that must mean Robin can only be in cart number one.'

The (h/c) haired woman quickly ran across the top of cart two, jumping down in front of cart one's back door. Slowly opening the door and peaking inside. The invisible woman saw a person in a green cloak not turning around to see who was coming in behind them.

(Y/N) allowed herself to be seen as she slowly walked towards the hooded figure. The woman's hands were resting above her sickles, ready to attack if need be. "Robin?" She called out softly to the person.

"(Y/N)?" Robin turned around in shock as she saw her crew mate standing in the same cart she was in.

"Robin!" (Y/N) ran up to Robin, throwing herself in the seat next to her. The woman hugged her friend's side, crying softly. "I thought I would never see you again."

"(Y/N)..." Robin placed her hand on the back of her crew mate's head. "What are you doing here?!"

(Y/N) wiped away her happy tears looking up at her friend. "To save you, of course."

Robin looked away from her. "No."

(Y/N) frowned from her friend's words. "No? What do you mean 'no'? You're not going to give yourself up to the government so easily if I—" The woman was cut off she seeing Sniper King in the window. "Um, Robin..."

Robin turned around to see her long nose crew mate in a mask staring at here. Robin gasped at the sight. "Long nose is that you?!"

The long nosed man giggled at Robin before holding up a peace sign at the two women. Sniper King finally made his way inside when Robin looked back and forth between her two crew mates. "What's going on?! How did you two get here in the first place? This is dangerous you know!"

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