Chapter 47: Castaways

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Luffy jumped up on his new Captain's seat when the Sunny approached the castaways. "HEY ARE YOU GUY'S OKAY OVER THERE?!!" The Straw Hat Captain waved at the men aboard.

"PIRATES ARE HERE!!" One of the men yelled back to his crew.

(Y/N) leaned over the Sunny's railing, watching the men run around scared. "Why are they screaming?"

"We're pirates and pirates don't have the best reputation, remember?" Nami giggled at the (h/c) haired woman's defeated face.

"Oh yeah. I forgot I joined a pirate crew." (Y/N) said sarcastically, laughing with the ginger.

"WE SURRENDER! SPARE I LIVES!!" The men cried out to the crew. Everyone just looked puzzled by their words.

Franky, Robin, Luffy and Zoro boarded the castaway's beaten vessel. Franky looked around the ship before looking back at the castaways. "Oh man.. your ship's in worst shape you guys are. Looks like you took a beating."

"Who are you? And what are you doing out here?" Luffy curiously questioned the men.

One of the men with a squeaky voice spoke up. "Uhh well we're just a bunch of fishermen down on our luck."

"You're fishermen?" Franky asked the man in suspicion. (Y/N) shared the cyborg's cautiousness. 'There's no way these castaways are mere fishermen all the way out here on the Grand Line. If you're gonna lie, give us a better one than that.'

The squeaky man reinstated what he said before. "Yeah! We were minding our own business when our ship was attacked! That was three days ago.. They stole all our food, destroyed helm and sails, took all of our valuables then left us here to die. We were stranded!!"

'Okay now that sounds more believable.' (Y/N) thought as she watched the man sob.

"So if you're here to attack us, there's nothing left to take." Another man spoke up.

"Don't worry, we're not here for that!" Luffy calmed their worries with a smile. "You guys must be pretty hungry, right? We're planning on having dinner soon, why don't you all come over and join us?"

"WHAATT?!" The men yelled in absolute shock. "Are you sure?!"

"Yeah! Our cook will never ignore people as hungry as you guys!" Luffy happily explained before turning back to the Sunny. "HEYYY SANJII!! Is it ready yet?! We're starving!"

"Almost! Just a few more minutes!!" Sanji called back to his captain as he walked out of the kitchen. "But before all of that.. Hey, Chopper! How bout checking these guys over to help break in that new office?"

"Yeah.. sure." Chopper quietly agreed with the cook before looking back towards the castaways. "If anyone's injured of feeling sick, come along with me!! Is there anyone on board who can't move?"

"HOLY CRAP THEIR PET CAN TALKKK!!!" The squeaky man yelled in sheer shock.

Chopper turned into his Heavy Point form, screaming at the man. "I'M NOT A PET! I'M A PIRATE YOU GOT THAT?!! I got a bounty of 50 berries!! 50... berries." The doctor began to cry from how pitiful the amount was.

(Y/N) put a hand on his upper arm. "It's okay, Chopper. I'm sure it will go up next time we kick the Navy's ass." The woman smiled at the deer as he turned back into his normal form.

"Really? Do you think so??" The little deer wiped away the tears forming in his eyes.

(Y/N) giggled at the boy. "With how strong you are? You betcha!" Chopper smiled brightly up at the woman before taking the castaways to go get checked up on.

(Y/N) and her crew went off to the dining hall to eat dinner. Franky leaned over to the (h/c) haired woman, whispering in her ear. "The necklace looks beautiful on you."

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