Chapter 37: Triggering the Buster Call

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(Y/N) fell into the water fall for only a few seconds before she felt thorns wrap around her body, digging into her skin as she was pulled back up on the balcony.

"You're right, it was a stupid idea." Lucci smirked at the (h/c) haired woman as she winced in pain.

"You got to be fucking kidding me!" (Y/N) yelled out when she was grabbed by the back of her collar by Kaku.

"You're needed alive. If your friends decide to kill themselves, that's less work for us." Kaku smirked at the woman before throwing her over his shoulder.

(Y/N) couldn't see what was happening, but she heard shouts about the Rocket Man flying though the air. "AHH PLEASE GO AWAY!!" Spandom yelled out at the Straw Hats.

(Y/N) felt the ground shake beneath her, letting everyone know the Rocket Man successfully had it across to the Tower of Law. "NOO!! Damn it!!! You're coming with me!" Spandom grabbed Robin and began pulling her back inside.

(Y/N) struggled to escape from Kaku's grasp after seeing her friend being taken away. Spandom peaked back out of the broken building, yelling at the CP-9 members. "Alright I'm letting you guys off the chain! Now go give them hell!! I want you to speckle the Tower of Law with their guts, you hear me?!! You got full authority it butcher them!! Lucci, take (Y/N) and come with us! Protecting me is your one and only priority! Got it?! Where's Funkfree?!!"

Lucci didn't say a word when he looked over at the squirming woman on Kaku's shoulder.

Right when Kaku set (Y/N) down, the woman tried to run off the edge, but was quickly grabbed by Lucci. "LET ME GO YOU ASSHOLE!" (Y/N) wiped her head around to lock eyes with Lucci. Anger was pouring through them.

"Lets go." Lucci calmly said before pulling (Y/N)'s arm.

"I got CP-9 on my side and I got my trusty elephant sword." (Y/N) watched in fear as Spandom held his sword up to Robin's throat. "As long as I maintain my cool, there's nothing that can stop me! We're off to the Gate's of Justice. If you think you can take this woman from me, go ahead and try it Straw Hat!"

"When I get out of these cuffs, I'm so going to kick your ass!" (Y/N) yelled at Spandom in front of her.

The man quickly turned around, holding the end of his sword up to her throat. "You're a lucky woman that Sengoku wants you alive! If I could, I would cut that tongue of yours out of your mouth! Lucci!! Find a way to shut this woman up before I decide to do just that!"

(Y/N) walked in silence behind the annoying Spandom since her mouth was gagged with Lucci's handkerchief. Anger was radiating off the woman since she couldn't yell for the man to shut up.

The group walked down a long staircase for what seemed like hours to the bored (Y/N). Spandom kept mocking (Y/N)'s muffled complaints which just pissed her off even more. "There's no help for you, Nico Robin! You can keep wishing for them to come, but they'll never find their way to the Gate's of Justice." Spandom's constant laughing and insane talking was annoying the three that walked behind him.

Finally the four made their way down a long set of stairs to a large iron door. "Your pirate friends can't possibly follow us this far!" Spandom twirled in his cape before moving over to the control panel that opens the door. "This goes like this! And that goes like that!"

(Y/N) heard some familiar voices behind her, making her turn slightly to see who it was. To her surprise, Chimney and Gonbe were sticking their heads around the stair ways entrance looking at the four. (Y/N) eyes widen in shock at the slight on the two and was trying to tell them to go away, but the they didn't understand her awkward hand movements.

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