Chapter 57: Luffy's Zombie?!

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The rest of the crew, minus the missing Nami, joined Zoro on the deck to Thriller Bark. The swordsman was first to speak up. "Alright. We got our work cut out for us. I doubt we're just gonna turn corner and find the zombies with our shadows in them."

"Not only that!" Chopper quickly spoke up. "Luffy's zombie is a complete freak of nature! He's six times bigger than any giant. I'm not sure anyone could beat him!!"

"It's true! And not only is he huge, he also has your shadow and all of your fighting skills!!" Usopp quickly explained to Luffy.

"Like that makes any damn difference." Zoro sassed the long nose making Usopp question his words. The swordsman continued. "What's the point of pissing our pants over how big and strong they are when we still gotta beat 'em, if we want to get our shadows back."

(Y/N) softly sighed, shaking her head a the situation. "He's got a good point."

"Well we don't really have to worry about the zombies." Luffy spoke with his straw hat coving his eyes. (Y/N) tilted her head in confusion at the Straw Hat Captain as he continued. "Though I kinda wanna see how cool mine is." Luffy looked up at his crew mates with a smile.

"What are you talking about?! You wanna hide for the sun for the rest of your life? We gotta get our shadows back from these ghouls." Zoro sassed his captain.

"Yeah but there's another way! You remember what that geezer zombie told us?" Luffy's question reminded his crew mates of the conversation they had with the old man earlier. "All we gotta do to free the shadows is to put an end to Gecko Moria."

Everyone stared in shock at their captain's words. "That's a lot easier said than done, 'Capt." (Y/N) anxiously scratched the back of her neck.

Luffy ignored his crew mates shock, pointing at the large castle like building behind them. "Up there. Gecko Moria is just sitting on his big ass waiting for us."

Usopp panicked from Luffy's statement. "WAAAH?? Are you nuts?!!"

"What do you mean? His butt's asking for a kicking so that's what I'm going to do. And then all the shadows will return." Luffy looked over at his cook. "Sanji, fire up! You're rescuing Nami."

"YEAHHHH!!! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED TO HEAR!!" Sanji burned with rage yet again, ranting about ending Nami's kidnapper's life. (Y/N) crouched beside the flames, holding a stick with a marshmallow on the end.

"Oh and I forgot to tell you." Usopp spoke up. "The invisible guy? Yeah, he spied on Nami while she was taking a bath." Chopper innocently agreed making Sanji burn even more with rage.

(Y/N) quickly backed up from the extreme flaming Sanji, blowing off her burnt marshmallow with a sad look on her face. "Ma mallow..." Luffy stretched his arm, grabbing the stick (Y/N) was holding and ate the marshmallow before she could process what happened. "MA MALLOW?!" (Y/N) turned back at the flaming cook watching the man explode with rage yet again.

After Sanji calmed down a bit, Usopp spoke up. "I feel like it's all my fault since I let that creep take Nami right in front of my eyes. It's only right that I go with Sanji! And also... I'll do anything to stay away from that Moria!!" Long nosed screamed in fear.

"I'm worried about the skeleton fighting on his own, he needs back up." Franky put his sunglasses on his face as he spoke. "If Straw Hat beats Moria before the skeleton zombie wins then everything's cool. Otherwise, I gotta work over time to help Brook and hold on to my own damn shadow."

"I'll give you some extra back up with that one, Franky." Zoro wore a cocky grin on his face. "I want to see if this legendary samurai he's fighting, lives up to his reputation or not."

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