**Important Info!!**

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Drumroll please... Author Note time!!

Alright you guys. I absolutely love this story and wish to continue it, but I also love the original story Oda created. Since I've sort of caught up to where I'm at in the anime, I would like to watch a few arcs before I continue my fan fiction. Meaning, this story will go on a short hiatus.

Now I'm not sure how long this hiatus will last, but I will be back to update soon! For now, I ask you leave your comments, questions and concerns in the comments of this chapter. I love reading a replying to those who read my story and I appreciate your viewership! I can only hope this story's readers grown on my break from writing.

Thank you all for reading up into this point!

I will leave you all with one last thing. This is a list on how the Straw Hats see (Y/N), like the vibe they give to her:

Luffy - Good friends with a slowing growing romantic relationship.

Zoro - Definitely already sees (Y/N) as his unofficial wife (as far as romance is concerned), but also sees her as his student and great ally. He deeply respects her.

Usopp - Best friends. They've definitely bonded over their daddy issues lol. The two agree they would have a comfortable relationship if it ever was to happen. Even so, they are more than okay with just being best friends.

Nami - Best friends, but also sees her as a girlfriend.

Robin - Shares a wife vibe with (Y/N).

Sanji - Definitely a boyfriend that swoons over his girlfriend, but not as greatly as he does Nami. Meaning, Sanji can speak with her without his nose bleed 24/7. But it's mainly when they are alone; in a group setting, he will act like he does with Nami and Robin.

Chopper - Absolutely adopted son to (Y/N). She will tease him like the boys, but there is absolutely no romance between the two, don't even ask why. (T_T)

Franky - Boyfriend that respects his girlfriend greatly. He won't hesitate to protect (Y/N), but he knows (Y/N) is a strong and capable woman that can fend for herself.

Brook - He sees (Y/N) as a daughter and best friend. At first, he acted like a boney pervert; but now a father-daughter vibe has grown on the two.

Jinbei - Same as Brook's. He respected her from the first day he met (Y/N); but it's only when Jinbei finally joins the crew, Brook and himself will be like (Y/N)'s dads.

Alright, I believe that's all I wanted to share. You guys have some happy holidays and I will be back later. Buh bye!!

With love,
Suki Mara

With love,Suki Mara

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