Chaper 73: More and More Kuma?

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The Straw Hats continued walking through the Sabadoy Achipologo. Luffy was still going on about how the amusement park is great place to hide out from any marine, but Nami quickly shot him down once more. Usopp glared at him captain. "You just want to screw around and have fun!" Everyone stopped in their tracks when they heard a loud thud in front of them.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in both shock and fear from the person standing before them. "Why... Why is he here?!"

"Hm? Who is this guy?" Luffy questioned the large man.

"Get back, Luffy!!" Usopp screamed at his captain. Nami quickly added in. "He's one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

"He is?!" Luffy turned around to his crew. "How do you guys know that?!"

(Y/N) took out her sickles as Kuma held up his hand. Sanji quickly yelled out. "Luffy!! Don't let that attack hit you! It's a shockwave!!"

(Y/N) looked at Kuma's hand in confusion. 'He has no paws?' Just as she thought, a bright light began to shine from his right hand. A laser shot out towards the Straw Hat Captain, but Luffy was quick to leap about of its way. (Y/N) shielded her face from the wind the blast created before finally yelling out. "What the hell?! That didn't happen last time!!"

"Great! So he can do this crap too?!" Usppp screamed out.

Luffy landed, yelling back to Sanji. "Hey! You lied! That wasn't a shockwave!!"

"That was..." Chopper started before Luffy added in. "A BEAMM!!" Both the doctor and the captain had stars of admiration in their eyes.

Usopp yelled at the two. "You're going to be impressed straight to your grave!!"

"Bartholomew Kuma, why are you here?!" Robin questioned the man in frustration. Zoro glared up at him. "That bastard..." (Y/N) looked over at her swordsman, noticing the frustration and sweat drip from his face. 'This fight isn't going to be good for either one of us. I can tell...'

"Hey, I remember him now! He's the guy that showed up at Thriller Bark I never fought!" Luffy glared up at the man. Usopp quickly replied. "That's right! The very same! Things got pretty dicey when he started shooting at us with shockwaves from the paws on his hands! We barely made it out alive!"

Chopper turned into his Heavy Point form, preparing for combat. "The fact that we are still alive is probably the reason he came back. In other words, we got lucky last time, but he's here to finish the job!"

Franky held up his arms. "Sure, that's one way to look at it. But I call this, pay back time!!" The cyborg charged up his attack. "Coup de VONT!!" Franky slid a few feet backwards as the large gust of cola windpower stuck Kuma's stomach, blowing him into the large mangrove tree behind him.

Nami ran up to Franky, holding her fist in the air. "You got him!"

"Not exactly... he's down, but he ain't out." Franky watched as Kuma stood back up.

"Luffy..." Brook turned to his captain making (Y/N) do the same. Luffy was steaming red from the fact he activated his Second Gear.

"Alright. Second Gear!" Luffy looked up at Kuma. "We know he's strong, no question. So let's go all out from the start!" (Y/N) nodded in agreement, gripping the handles of her sickles tighter. 'I'm sure as hell not ready for this, but with my family by my side... I know we can take him down.' The Straw Hats had an intense stare down with Kuma before Luffy shouted. "Let's go!!" Everyone charged at the man, ready to fight with everything they have.

(Y/N) watched as Luffy evaded Kuma's laser beams, left and right. The destruction Kuma caused with unbelievable to the achipologo. The (h/c) haired woman charged towards Kuma between Sanji and Zoro, their Captain quickly behind. (Y/N) allowed laser beams to pass through her before leaping into the air. "Secret Technique..." The ends of (Y/N)'s blades sparkled with (f/c) lighting bolts as she charged the air around them. "KAMAITACHI FURROW!!" The woman sent out her attack towards Kuma's chest along with Zoro's Three-Sword Style: Six Hundred Caliber Phenix, Luffy's Gum-Gum Jet Pistol and Sanji's Diáble Mouton. (Y/N)'s blades grinned against Kuma's chest as she grunted in pain from not being able to push them through. After a few seconds of the powerful four piece combo, Kuma was finally sent flying backwards. (Y/N) landed on the ground, catching her breath as she watched Kuma crash into a building behind him.

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