Chapter 29: Pluton

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(Y/N) hit the ground below her from where she jumped out of Iceburg's window. Rolling a bit before getting back up to run through the flighting happening around her.

'Now I need to get back to Franky. Why couldn't Ice for Brains tell me about this sooner. Ugh I also need to talk to Franky about all the money he stole and beat the crap out of him for his men beating the crap out of Usopp.' (Y/N)'s thoughts were in a mess as she leaped onto building to building to Franky's personal hideout.

It felt like forever until (Y/N) reached Franky's hideout. The (h/c) haired woman was about to knock when sure heard a familiar voice inside. (Y/N) put her ear up to the door to hopefully hear inside.

"Anyway, you get the gist of it right?! We're no longer friends, the Straw Hats are apart of my past now!"

'Usopp?' (Y/N) frowned from hearing her former crew mates words. 'Why is Usopp even here??'

(Y/N) looked around, spotting an broken widow above her. The woman hovered up and peaked inside the hideout. 'Merry?! What is she doing here??' (Y/N) nearly cried from holding in her laughter when she saw Franky burn his tongue of a cup of tea.

"I can't blame ya." (Y/N)'s faced scrunched in confusion when Franky started to talk. "You must be holding quite the grudge against us, ya know since we stole your 200 million berries and all. Especially because it led to such a big fight with your captain."

"Whatever. What happens, happens. No sense in holding a grudge about it." Usopp sighed before he continued hammering away on the Merry.

"Taking the high rode. How manly. About that money..." Franky and the two other women got into some awkward dance pose making (Y/N) giggle. "I SPENT ALL OF ITTT~"

"I'm gonna knock you flat." Usopp calmly with a hint of irritation said to the man.

"Now now. Don't get so worked up! Especially after you've shown me how dignified and forgiving you are! Come on brother." Franky pushed up his glasses before speaking again. "Can't we just let bygones be bygones? I mean I haven't flipped out on your for destroying my home and demolition factory." Franky looked like he was about to blow a fuse from how angry he suddenly got. "On top of that, you guys annihilated my subordinates... YOU BASTARDS HOW DARE YOU I'LL KILL YOU!!"

The two women held down Franky and finally calmed him down. (Y/N) slipped in through the broken widow, undetected. She sat on the couch next to Franky, listening to the man speak again. "Yep. A lot has happened these past few days. I do think we're better off putting it all behind us. So what do you say we just put the axe in the ground and call it a day."

"I'm pretty sure it's bury the hatchet." (Y/N) spoke up, revealing herself and causing the four others in the room to jump back in fear.

"Where the hell did you come from?!" Franky turned to the woman casually sitting next to her.

"The window." (Y/N) causally pointed up to the broken widows.

"Your devil fruit will always creep me out." Franky sighed at the woman.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here??!" Usopp looked over at the (h/c) haired woman in shock.

"Whatever I do is none of your business." (Y/N) refused to look at the long nose. "You have you forgotten your own words?!"

Usopp looked away from her in regret, mixed with self hatred. Franky looked between the two before speaking up. "Woah. I don't know how you two know each other, but I'm getting some serious bad vibes coming from you." The women next to Franky agreed, also looked back and forth between the two.

"He was apart of our crew." (Y/N) looked over at Franky. "You know. The one who annihilated your subordinates and destroyed your home."

Franky looked down at her in sheer shock. "You're... a Straw Hat, (Y/N)?"

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