Chapter 92: Headed to the New World

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(Y/N) sat on the tree swing as her crew waved off the civilians of Fishman Island. "Well, time's a wastin'!" Franky yelled out from the helm's deck before spinning the helm to his right. Soon, the Thousand Sunny bagan to move, leaving Fishman Island behind.

(Y/N) lightly swung back and forth on the tree swing as she listened to the loud goodbyes from Fishman Island. A Fishman yelled out. "I like humans now! Oh, and robots and raccoons, too!" (Y/N) hung her head back, laughing at his comment.

"I'm a reindeer, but I'll let that one go!" Chopper happily danced making (Y/N) giggle.

"Huh? Oh. Not me?" Brook sadly spoke, looking back at Fishman Island.

After a bit more shouting goodbyes from Fishman Island, there was a loud yell. "Skeletons, too!"

Brook quickly stood up from his sulking, lightly gasping before turning back to Fishman Island with tears pouring from his eyes. "You did remember! YOHOhaahaaa..." His laugh turned into joyful sobbing.

"I'm not sure who could forget about you, Bone Daddy." (Y/N) laughed before jumping off the swing and walking to Sunny's railing. She leaned over the railing next to Luffy, smiling back at Fishman Island. "This is a place I'll never forget."

"Yeah, me either. We've made some pretty crazy memories here—" Luffy was cut off by the Sunny suddenly shaking.

(Y/N) felt herself jolt up before falling back down and landing right on top of her captain. (Y/N) looked up as Shiraoshi's emerged from the ocean, clutching Sunny's railing through her coating. "Luffy, wait!"

(Y/N) was about to speak, but the ship tilted forward making both herself and Luffy roll over and straight on their faces next to each other. "Ow.." (Y/N) groaning in pain, into the grass deck. She stood up, dusting off her black dress before looking over at Sanji spinning next to her, looking up at Shiraoshi with hearts in his eyes. "What the hell..." (Y/N) wore a bored expression on her face before turning to Luffy and helping him stand up.

"I just wanted to say, if I get to see you again..." Shiraoshi looked down as tears whelmed up in her eyes. (Y/N) stared up at Shiraoshi before a small smile ran its way across her lips. Shiraoshi continued. "...then I promise you, I won't cry! At least, not as much as now. I hope you, (Y/N) and I can take another stroll together, Luffy."

"Oh, yeah? You wanna go back to your mom's grave again?" Luffy smiled up at Shiraoshi.

"No, not this time." Shiraoshi shook her head before smiling at the captain. "The place I want to go is farther away. I want to visit a real forest, on the surface!"

"That's right, you've never been out of the sea before, have you?" Luffy brightly smiled up at Shiraoshi. "Sure. Let's do it!" Luffy looked over at the (h/c) haired woman next to him. "What do you say, (Y/N)?"

"Sounds like a new adventure to me." (Y/N) smiled at her captain before smiling up at Shiraoshi.

"That settles it." Luffy turned back to Shiraoshi. "We'll take you there first chance we get!"

Shiraoshi lightly whimpered before giggling and wiping away the tears in her eyes. The Straw Hats shared a happily chuckle as they smiled at the Mermaid Princess. Shiraoshi held up her pinky to Luffy and (Y/N), softly speaking. "Promise me?"

"Uh—okay. I'll pinky-swear ya!" Luffy wrapped his pinky several times around Shiraoshi's large pinky. "Leave it to me!"

(Y/N) giggled and held up her pinky, gentle placing it on Shiraoshi. "And I'll be there to keep 'Capt out of trouble, like always."

"Careful now, you two." Nami spoke up at Luffy and (Y/N) making them look over at her. "If you make a promise, we have to help you keep it."

"Remember." Brook held up his hand. "No what happens, you must never break a promise, ever!"

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