Chapter 44: Girl's Day at Water 7

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Robin, Nami and (Y/N) were shopping in Water 7's Shopping District. (Y/N) stopped to look at some clothing that peaked her interest. "Are you going to buy some outfits, (Y/N)?" Nami asked the woman with a smirk on her face.

"I was thinking about it, but—"

"Perfect! Lets go!" Nami grabbed (Y/N) wrist, pulling her into the clothing store.

Robin giggles at the two as she followed them. "You haven't learned it yet, but Nami loves fashion."

"The thought slipped my mind when she always comes out wearing something cute." (Y/N) nervously laughed as Nami went to shop for her. "Ya know... I've always dreamed of having a girl's day out."

"You mean to tell me you've never gone shopping before with some of you girlfriends?" Robin tilted her head in confusion.

"I never went out with friends at all. I won't lie to you when I say the Straw Hats are my first real friends I've had, let alone people stuck around." (Y/N) said with a sigh.

"I know how you feel. You all are the ones I've searched my whole life to find." Robin smiled at the woman next to her.

(Y/N) smiled back before realizing something. "Damn. We both need therapy." Robin laughed like (Y/N) had never seen before making (Y/N) laugh as well.

Soon enough Nami came back with a bunch of different outfits for the girls to try. "I feel like a dress up doll, Nami." (Y/N) said blankly as she was given yet another outfit. "I only have 700 berries to spend on clothing, so bare with me... my wallet is crying over here."

Thankfully, the girls left the store with only two bags of outfits for (Y/N). The women continued to walk and window shop. "HEY (Y/N)! NAMI! ROBIN!! OVER HERE!!" Luffy called out to the girls.

"Oh hey Luffy, whatcha up to?" (Y/N) smiled at her captain when he rode in on a yagara with Chopper and a young girl.

Luffy handed Robin a framed photograph. "A yagara with a blue fin on his head, right? I understand. We'll see what we can do." (Y/N) nodded at Robin before flying straight upwards.

'Hm... yagara with a blue fin...' (Y/N) flew around the area, searching for a bit before landing back next to Robin. "So, find him?" Luffy asked the two.

"Sorry, Captain. No yagaras that match the description around this area." (Y/N) scratched the back of her neck in disappointment.

"I tried, sorry." Robin frowned at the Straw Hat.

"It's okay, thanks for looking." Luffy turned back to Chopper and the now scared, mixed with shock, young girl. "Come on, Abi... Let's go. Abi." Luffy pulled the girl with his stretched out arm before heading off. "See you later, you two."

"Bye!" The girls waved off their captain in unison.

"Well that was fun." (Y/N) said as Nami came out of the store she was in.

"What was fun?" The ginger innocently questioned which made (Y/N) smile before she explained to situation that just happened as the three continued walking.

(Y/N) took out her vision dial and began snapping photos of Water 7. "You could pick up a photo album when while we're out here, (Y/N)." Nami said when she saw the (h/c) haired woman snap another photo.

"Good idea, Nami. Would you let me know if you spot one? Preferably on discount." (Y/N) smiled at the ginger.

"No problem. You need a new log book too, don't you?" Nami asked as she enter another store.

"Yep! Thanks for the reminder." (Y/N) waved her off before turning around to face Robin.

"OH YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!" Zoro yelled at the two women standing in front of him. (Y/N) starred in shock at the swordsman carrying three babies and wearing a shirt ten times too small.

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