Chapter 101: Dig in and Get Down!

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(Y/N) stayed in the cart as all of the Navy men, children and rest of her crew exited. She sat in a peaceful silence, really zoning out from the world around her, escaping from all of her thoughts and just listening to her heart beat thump in her chest. (Y/N) moved on to staring at her damaged hand, wrapped in bandages. She attempted at moving her fingers, but winced when pain shot up her arm from her hand. She sighed, putting out the cigar Smoker gave her, before going back to simply staring at her hand. After a few minutes, a large cloth was thrown on her, breaking (Y/N) from her trance like state. "Huh?" She pulled off the cloth, looking down at a (f/c) fuzzy coat with two fuzzy (f/c) cat ears sown on its hood. (Y/N) looked up in confusion to see Law standing in front of her.

"Put it on and get off the cart. You're going to catch a cold sitting here like this." Law irritated spoke, glaring down at (Y/N) with those cold and serious eyes she was terrified of. (Y/N) quickly looked away from Law, trembling from his gaze. "Huh? If you don't like the coat, blame your crew mate, Robin. She said you would like it."

"No... it's.. it's not the coat." (Y/N) stood up, taking off her cap and letting down her hair before pulling the (f/c) coat over her and placing the hood on her head. She rubbed her rosy pink nose, trying not to sneeze from the cold. "It's just..." (Y/N) locked eyes with Law, nervous fear clear in her eyes. "I'm sorry."

Law's eyes softened, relaxing (Y/N) a bit as he looked at her with more confusion and concern. "What are you apologizing for?"

"You, uh... share the same gaze as Sengoku sometimes." (Y/N) anxiously played with her long (h/c) hair with her uninjured hand as Law 'huh'ed her words. "I don't blame you for it, it's not something you can control. Honestly, I need to get over it myself and stop freaking out about it. But..." She dropped her hand, looked down with sadness in her eyes.

"I should be the one apologizing to you." Law softly spoke making (Y/N) look up at him in confusion. "I've been meaning to tell you this since I saw you, but couldn't find the time or place." He sighed. "You had one other older cousin that died 10 years ago."

Shock ran across (Y/N)'s face. "Really? Did you know him? Was he like Dofla—"

"Not at all." Law quickly cut (Y/N) off. "He was a great man. You remind me a lot of him, and I know he would have loved to meet you."

(Y/N) softly smiled at the thought. "That's nice to hear. What was his name?"

"Corazon." Law smiled, looking up at the sky. "That great man saved my life, when I was young. He's the reason I keep living. I do it all for him." (Y/N) smiled. 'Corazon, huh? I'm glad one of my family members was a good one. I wish I could have met him. Law seems to respect him a lot. Just by the way he talks about him... It's beautiful.' Law looked back down at (Y/N), sighing off his thoughts about his dear friend. "But... He was also like a son to your father."

Disgust and shock ran across (Y/N)'s face from Law's words. "Like... a son?"

Law looked away from (Y/N), slightly frowning from her reaction. "I'm sorry, but it's true. I found out, Sengoku raised Corazon like his own son. Even before you were born."

(Y/N) bawled up her uninjured hand into a fist, tears whelming in her eyes. "I see... I don't know if I can ever face Sengoku again."

"And if you have to?" Law questioned back.

"I refuse." (Y/N) felt her nails dig into her palm from her clenching her hand so tightly. Blood began to drip down from her palm, hitting the floor of the cart. A few moments passed of silence between the two, the sounds of (Y/N)'s blood dripping echo'ed until Law finally grabbed her hand, pulling out a small roll of bandages and began patching her up. (Y/N) didn't bother pulling away as a few tears fell from her (e/c) colored eyes. "How... How could he? He left me for another person I never got the chance of meeting? I wonder if he even told my mother about him... I don't blame Corazon, I blame Sengoku. He left his biological daughter, never even bothering to return for her. The pain I went through, he could have saved me. But no. I had to suffer alone. I know everyone goes through their own battles, but he could have prevented mine if he just tired a little harder. Why, Law? Just... why?"

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