Chapter 10: Setting out to the Golden Ruins

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The sky wolfs danced around the fire with some members of the crew, "It's the festival of the night before gold hunting!" Usopp happily yelled out while playing the drums. Luffy was howling with the wolves, (Y/N) laughing at her captain while she laid amongst a small group of wolves who cuddled around the female pirate. It was like resting on a soft fluffy clouds, reminding her of the sky beach once more.

"I'm surprised you are getting along so well with the sky wolves." The sky knight walked up on (Y/N) and the now standing Robin. "I know of no one else who could have such ruckus activities on Enel's land."

(Y/N) looked over at the sky knight, smiling. Robin responded to the man exactly what (Y/N) was thinking, "It's good to see that you're awake."

The knight began to apologize for being a burden to the crew. Zoro spoke up for the sky knight, telling him not to be hard on himself; further explaining that it was him that saved Chopper and Merry, so the crew is quite grateful to the man.

(Y/N) smiled at the straw hat boy who thanked the Sky Knight for everything that he has done for his crew. The drunk boys, Chopper and Luffy, started jumping up and down yelling for Gon Fall to come dance with them.

Sanji asked Gon Fall if Conis and her father were okay, which the Sky Knight gave the chef good news: he spoke of how they perfectly safe at his home. Everyone cheered for their friends' well being and started throwing up Chopper to celebrate.

A sky wolf walked over to (Y/N), handing her a cup of booze. "Come to think of it." (Y/N) laughed to herself. "I've never drank before!" The sky wolves and the woman howled together after she downed the drink.

Zoro scoffed at the (h/c) haired woman, "That can't end well." Robin just laughed as (Y/N) jumped up to join the dancing line the wolves started around the bon fire, more booze in her hand.

~One gold celebration party later~

(Y/N) woke up with the sounds of Usopp and Zoro arguing. "Ehh?" She held her head as she groaned in pain from a sudden headache. "What happened?"

Usopp walked off into the forrest, assuming to go take a leak while Zoro eyes traveled to the (h/c) haired pirate. "It's called a hangover, idiot." He grabbed a canteen of water and walked over to the woman who just held her head as she sat in pain. "Drink." He threw the water at her chest, she caught it and started chugging it down.

"Not too fast. You'll upset your stomach." Zoro said irritated.

(Y/N) looked up at the swordsman confused, "I didn't know you cared so much about me." She hiccuped, clearly she was still semi-intoxicated. Zoro 'tsk'ed in response saying how he just didn't want her to throw up on him later.

(Y/N) (e/c) orbs began to water. She jumped up, wrapping her arms around Zoro's body. "You do care about me!" She yelled out which Zoro cringed from the hug, shushing her before she wakes someone up.

The woman just responded with crying into Zoro's chest. "You're just like this because you're still drunk." He tried to shake (Y/N) off him, but she held the swordsman in a death grip. "Ugh I can't even rest without someone bothering me." Zoro sat down with (Y/N) still latched on to him.

The swordsman lifted his eyebrows from the sudden stop in crying, looking down at (Y/N) to find her fast asleep on his chest. Blush kisses his face as he tried to shake off the feelings in his heart. Zoro sighed, closing his eyes to fall back to sleep.

(Y/N) yawned loudly as she woke up with a light headache, but it wasn't unbearable. She looked up at nearly the whole crew who looked at her in curiously. Rubbing her the slight drool off her lips, she looked at them puzzled. "What's everyone staring—" (Y/N) was cut off by the swordsman yawning awake.

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