the project - eight

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a/n - please vote!

y/n's pov
"alright, gotta go," i say, looking around and trying to find olivia. "alright, see you," leah says, moving up for a cheek kiss. i move back before she could, giving her an awkward chuckle as i walk away.

i see olivia sitting on the couch by herself, holding a can of coke. i smile, walking over and sitting beside her, "hey." "oh, hi," olivia says. "you seem lonely," i say, "did you wanna go home?" "kind of, yeah," olivia nods, looking around. "okay," i stand up, olivia following.

i start to follow her out as she walks quicker, saying 'bye' other people. i open the door for olivia, and she gets in. "thanks," she mumbles, getting in.

i look at olivia as she looks out the window. something felt wrong. "is something wrong?" i ask, "are you mad?" "why would i be mad?" olivia says. she's mad. who responds to that by asking the question back?

what do i say? do i try to pry it out of her? do i leave it? what if she thinks that i don't care? but what if she gets more annoyed? 

olivia's pov
was she gonna ask again? "not sure," y/n says. "okay," i respond. y/n responds with a hum, and i leave it at that.

y/n pulls up to my driveway, parking the car. i reach for my seatbelt buckle, but y/n puts her hand on top of mine. "you don't have to act like this," y/n says as i look up at her, "we can just talk about it." "what's the point if you're not gonna listen?" i blurt back, pressing down and unbuckling.

y/n scoffs, confused as i pull my hand away from hers. "what?" she asks. "y/n, i... i don't wanna talk about it right now, because i know i'm gonna end up saying things that i'm not gonna mean and gonna regret," i open the car door, stepping out, "i'm sorry. i'll text you later or something." "okay," y/n breathes out as i close the door.

"i do wanna talk to her about it," i tell conan on the phone, "but i'm scared she's not gonna get it, because i don't think she gets what i'm said last time." "you have to talk to her eventually," conan says, "you said you will, so it'll only be potentially better when you talk to her." "what if she doesn't understand still?" i ask. "then... then you might- we'll just wait," conan says. "okay," i take a deep breath, "i just need to calm the fuck down."

2 days later , monday
i walk up to y/n at lunch, tapping her shoulder. she turns around, looking away from her phone. "oh, hey," y/n says. "hi," i say, "can we talk?" "yeah," y/n stands up. 

we walk to a wooden bench, sitting down. "i'm sorry for saturday," i tell her. "no, you don't have to say that," y/n says, "what's wrong? what did i do?" "i don't know, i just... saw you with leah on saturday," i explain, "you were holding her hand and laughing." "oh- no, liv, it wasn't like that," y/n says. "what was it like, y/n?" i ask. "it- she was just telling me to feel her hands because they were sweaty," y/n says, "i promise it wasn't like that. i was only laughing because she was holding on when i wanted to let go. it was a cry for help, not a laugh," she says. i smile faintly before it fades, "did you wanna talk to her?"

y/n sighs, "no, she came up to me." "what if i wasn't there?" i ask. "what? wh- that wouldn't change anything, olivia," y/n furrows her eyebrows at me, "do you think something would happen between leah and i if you weren't-" "no," i shake my head, "no, y/n." "then why did you ask?" she asks me. "because i just- i don't like leah," i say, "you're already too good for me. i'm scared leah's better than me."

y/n chuckles softly, "really?" i nod. "liv, there's no one you need to worry about," y/n says, "i'm sorry that leah keeps talking to me. i'll try cut her off fully, i promise." "don't do that for me," i shake my head, "i feel bad. i don't wanna be controlling. we aren't even dating yet." "she's kinda starting to piss me off anyways," y/n admits, making me giggle. "don't worry about it, liv," y/n says, "i didn't dismiss your concern." "thank you," i smile, "is there anything that i can do for you?" "well... you could come over today," y/n grins.

y/n's pov
olivia walks into my room, and she gasps as i sweep olivia up. i fall onto the bed, olivia falling on top of me. "we're gonna break your bed one day," olivia laughs. "how?" i playfully smile, making olivia laugh again. "shut up," she giggles, kissing me.

i close my eyes, gently squeezing olivia's waist as she kisses me. olivia lets out a soft moan into my mouth. i smile, olivia's hand going on top of mine. 

liv holds the top of my hand, making it move down her body. she moves it down her pants, leaving it on her ass. i smile, pulling my lips away. "are you okay?" olivia asks. "more than okay," i smile, "are you?" "of course," olivia presses her lips to mine. 

i move my other hand down to olivia's ass, starting to grope her as she moans into my mouth. my heart beats faster as i hear the sound coming from olivia's mouth. olivia pulls away, and i smile, except she doesn't give one back.

i take my hands out of her pants, "i'm sorry." "no, i'm sorry," olivia shakes her head, getting off me and sitting up. i look at her back as she faces my tv. i push myself up, sitting beside her, "what's wrong?" "i just... don't think i'm ready," olivia whispers, "i don't know if we were heading towards doing it- or... just, you know. that was nice, i liked that. but i think that's the furthest i'd go for now. i'm sorry i... i don't wanna disappoint you."

i look at olivia, closing my eyes as i hug her from the side, "you haven't disappointed me." "but i don't want to," olivia says, and i pull away. "you won't," i say, "sex isn't everything to me, olivia. it's nice to finally be- well almost- be in a relationship that doesn't revolve around sex. i love talking to you, and falling asleep with you, and watching your tiktoks. i love it all. i love being with you. i promise."

i widen my eyes as olivia bursts into tears. i stare at my tv as olivia throws herself onto me, pushing me down and laying on top of me. i chuckle softly, wrapping my arms tight around olivia and hugging her. "it's okay," i say, "you don't need to overthink it. it doesn't have to be that hard- that's what she said." "y/n!" olivia exclaims, laughing into my neck. "sorry! sorry," i chuckle, "but i'm serious. you can tell me whatever you're concerned about. i won't think you're being difficult or silly." "ditto, my y/n," olivia whispers, "i can't wait to date you."

i've wanted to ask olivia out for the longest time. but i was still scared. i don't know of what, though. i know that olivia was the one. there would be a slim chance that something would happen, and she wouldn't be the one. how was i supposed to get over her then?

i would love to marry olivia one day. olivia was already great with my family, and we aren't even dating. i know that i wouldn't regret asking her out. i know olivia's waiting for me to ask her out instead of her asking me out. if it was her, i'm sure she would've asked me weeks ago.

"y/n?" olivia whispers, "your... heart is beating really fast." "sorry," i snap out of my thoughts. olivia looks up at me, and i give her a smile, wiping her tears. "are you okay?" olivia asks. "yeah," i smile, "i just... need more time, though. i'm sorry." "that's okay," olivia smiles, "me too."

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