new year - four

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a/n - please vote!

i wake up, looking over at y/n still sleeping, in the same spot. i look at the side of her stomach, seeing it looking like it did yesterday. not really sure why i expected it to look different. hopefully it feels better for y/n.

it was almost 4 in the afternoon, y/n still asleep. i debated on waking her up for breakfast and lunch, but i decided it was better if she slept.

i look over at y/n as she starts to shift. "ah, fuck," she whispers opening her eyes. "are you okay?" i ask. "no," she whispers, giving me a smile, "but i'll be fine." i chuckle, sitting up and looking down at her, "does it still hurt?" "yeah," she says, "what time is it?" "four," i answer. "in the afternoon?" "yep," i say, "are you hungry? i can make you something." "uh..." she closes her eyes as she gives me a weird request, "do you have, like, instant noodles?" "i do," i chuckle, "i'll make you some."

i watch olivia walk out of the room, and i sigh. i swear i felt olivia kiss my cheek. god, did she? maybe i should ask. is that weird? what if she didn't? but what if she did?

"can you sit up?" olivia asks as she walks into the room, holding the noodles in a cup. i place my hands on the bed, trying to push myself up. i feel a sharp sting on my stomach, and i wince, laying back down, "nope."

olivia places the cup on the bedside table, getting on the bed and shuffling to me. "okay," she places a hand on the waist, opposite my cut. i put my arm around olivia's neck, and i groan as she pulls me up.

i lean against the headrest, "i don't think i'm gonna move from this spot for the rest of my life." olivia chuckles, getting the noodles.

she sits beside me, twirling the noodles with the fork. i open my mouth, and she places the fork in. she chuckles as i chew, swallowing. "i'm at a really awkward angle," she says, "scared i'm gonna spill it on you." "come over here, then," i say, opening my arms loosely.

olivia puts her leg over my waist, sitting down on my lap gently. "is this okay? does it hurt?"she asks, concerned. "it's good," i smile. 

i'd be lying if i didn't say that this would be extremely romantic if olivia didn't have a boyfriend. speaking of...

"have you hung out with louis lately?" i ask, watching olivia twirl the fork again. "oh," olivia says, taking the fork out with the noodles wrapped around it, "not really. he's being really distant ever since you've been around. like- not because of you, trust me. i just... we haven't got time to hang out. i tried to make plans with him after you left because i thought you weren't coming back, but he said he doesn't feel like hanging out even though he's the one complaining about it, you know?" "oh, i'm sorry," i say, "i can, like, go home if you guys want to hang out together. or downstairs." "no, it's not you," olivia shakes her head as she feeds me, "i just... i don't know if i wanna be with him."

my eyes widen as i swallow, "what?" "yeah, i know," olivia says, "he always avoids our problems and expects it to be fixed themselves without him putting effort in. i tell him that we should talk, and he says he needs time. but then he'll text me to hang out and he'll act like nothing happened. he didn't text me for almost two days, only responded to me this morning." "oh," i say, "do you... still have feelings for him?" "i mean, i did," olivia says, "but i feel like it's fading now that he isn't putting effort into us, you know?" "i get that," i say, "you're a really good person, liv. you deserve someone who treats you right." "thank you,"olivia smiles faintly, "i guess i'll just see what feels right for me."

"do you want some?" i ask olivia as she gets more noodles from the cup. "no thank you," she smiles, looking at me. "okay," i whisper, keeping my eyes on olivia as she looks down into the cup.

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