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a/n - please vote!

i follow olivia and her team out of the airport, dragging my luggage with my camera around my neck.

this was the first show of olivia's guts tour, right here in california. 

olivia's pov
i look behind me, seeing y/n walk as she looks around. y/n l/n, best photographer in the game. i was being serious. she's like the 'taylor swift' in the photography industry. i was lucky to steal her for a few months, despite having to fight to have her... and a lot of money. i know a lot of people were coming to my shows just for y/n.

she was insanely pretty. i know a lot of people in the music industry get far because of their looks, but in photography, you're the one behind the camera. she should be in front of it. 

she did keep things really professional. a lot of her clients have tried to struck up a romance, but she always rejected them.

i stop walking, waiting for y/n to catch up. i haven't talked to her that much, maybe a total of five minutes.

"hey," i say, walking beside her. "oh, hey, olivia," she smiles as we start to walk to our tour bus, "excited for tour?" "yeah, but nervous," i tell her. "you'll be good," she nods. "hopefully i'll look good, too," i smile. "well, we'll see tomorrow night, won't we?" y/n smiles, placing the luggage on the compartment under the bus. "well, that's the part where you're meant to comfort me and say i'll look great," i chuckle, y/n taking my suitcase and sliding it in. 

she closes the compartment door, and looks at me. "you're gonna look great," y/n smiles, "if not, i can always do a little bit of editing." i laugh as y/n walks past me, and i turn around, walking with her. "if you think i'm unattractive, you can just say, you know," i smile, stepping onto the bus as y/n does. "i didn't say that," y/n says, "i was just saying if there's any bad pictures of you, i can make them look good. attractive people can look bad in pictures." y/n sits down on the couch, placing her bag beside her.

she was kinda right. "okay, but, like, you really didn't have to say that," i laugh, "you could've-" "you're right. let me restart. olivia rodrigo, you don't need any photoshop. i'm sure that the thousand of pictures i take of you, you'll look like a goddess." i grin, "better."

i drop down next to y/n, and she turns on her camera. "who else have you worked for?" i ask. "you mean, who's worked for me," y/n chuckles, "kidding. uh... billie eilish, taylor swift, drake, harry styles, ed sheeran... the list goes on. i did a few photoshoots for actors, but i tend to lean into more concert and casual photography."  "big money, y/n," i chuckle, the bus starting to move. "yeah, but i just feel really lucky to do something that i love. you'd understand," she says. "i do," i smile.

y/n's pov
i follow olivia around as we look around the tour bus. "okay, bathroom in here," she says, poking her head into the bathroom. she continues to walk, and i glance into the bathroom, following her. 

we open the fridge, looking in. "completely empty," olivia sighs, looking disappointed, "i was kinda hungry." i smile, bringing the camera up. i take a picture of olivia as she stares into the fridge. she looks at the camera, laughing. i laugh, taking another picture of her.

olivia and i walk into the elevator, squeezing in for the rest of her crew. "this is your second tour, right?" i ask, looking at olivia. she smiles at me as she nods, "yep. i would've tried to book you for that tour, too, but you were on another tour." "i'm a busy girl," i sigh, "do you move around a lot when you're on stage?" "like, tour?" she asks. "oh, so much," olivia smiles, "i hope you've got good stamina." "been in this industry for years... don't even worry about me," i grin.

olivia's pov
she has been in the industry for years. i did my research, we were both twenty. she had started her photography career when she was sixteen. by eighteen, she was on tour with harry styles. it was insane how fast she got recognized.

y/n and i walk to our room that we were sharing. i had never shared a room with one of my photographers- or anyone on my crew, for that matter. i guess it helps that she was the same age as me.

i unlock the hotel door, and i watch y/n wheel our stuff in. "you got it?" i ask, chuckling. "i got it," y/n chuckles, placing our luggage on the side. 

i look around the room. one bed. it was large, though. i watch y/n take a picture of the view from the balcony with her camera after she steps outside, admiring the view for a bit. i smile, taking off my jacket and walking out. y/n turns around, smiling, "hey. need any pictures?" 

y/n's pov
i press down on the shutter button, taking pictures of olivia, view in the background.

i stop taking pictures as i hear a knock on the door. "that was a knock, right?" olivia asks me. "i think so," i say, turning around and walking to the door. 

i open the door, seeing olivia's manager, aleen. "hey," i smile, "um, olivia's just-" i turn to the balcony, seeing olivia standing beside me, "right here, apparently." "great. liv, we're gonna go to the arena to set up the stage," she says, "then tomorrow at eight am, we'll head there to start rehearsing." "sounds good," olivia smiles, "did you need us to come to set up?" "no, we paid a lot of money for people to do it for us," aleen laughs, "you guys should grab dinner or something." "yeah, we might do that," olivia nods, "thanks." "no problem, see you tomorrow," aleen says.

i close the door when aleen walks away. "are you hungry?" olivia asks. "uh... a little," i say, "are you?" "a little, too," olivia says, "how about we pick a place to eat and we'll get an uber?"

olivia and i sit on the end of our bed, and i look at olivia's phone as she searches for places nearby. "what type of food do you feel like?" olivia asks me. "uh... anything, really. i'm not that picky," i tell her. "okay," olivia says, continuing to scroll.

she finds a place that's a ten minute walk from the hotel. we get ready, and head to the elevator. olivia presses the floor button, and the door closes. olivia looks at herself in the mirror, and i bring my camera up, taking a picture of her.

we start to walk to the restaurant, and i look up at the sunset. olivia chuckles as i take a picture of the sky with the buildings around it. "what's so funny?" i ask, turning the camera off and looking at her. "you just take pictures of everything. it's cute," olivia says. "how's that cute?" i ask, laughing. "because it just is," olivia smiles. i shake my head, smiling as i look up. i look at the restaurant name, opening the door. 

i look at olivia as she walks in. "thanks," she grins. i smile, following her inside. olivia tells the girl her reservation, and we follow her in the corner. i sit on the seat, and olivia slides into the booth.

we both look at the menu, deciding what to eat. "wanna grab dessert after?" olivia asks. "yeah," i smile. 

i pick up the bill, looking at it. "how much?" olivia asks. "about... a billion dollars," i sigh, "you down to pay?" olivia chuckles, "if it makes you happy, y/n." 

i chuckle too, taking my card and placing it in. "no, it's all good," i say, "it's on me." "no, you're my guest," olivia says, "we can at least split." "i have dinner you get dessert?" i suggest. "y/n, dessert's not even gonna be half the price," olivia says. "then i'll make sure to get the most expensive thing there," i grin, handing the bill holder to the waitress. 

we walk to the restaurant door, and i open it, letting olivia walk through first. i look up as i hear sudden camera clicks, people yelling and see camera flashes. i see a lot of paparazzi suddenly swarm us. i look at olivia, and she slightly widens her eyes with a 'here we go' expression.

"are you excited for your guts tour?!" "how was the food?!" "y'all still hungry?!" "how do you feel about working with olivia, y/n?!" we ignore all the yells as we continue to walk. "ironic, isn't it?" olivia says to me, "a girl who takes photos is suddenly getting swarmed by people on the other side of the photography industry." "exactly," i smile at her, turning my camera on. olivia laughs as i take a picture of the paparazzi, before i turn my camera off and and leave it around my neck.

i see an opening to cross the street, looking at olivia to see if she sees it too. she kept her eyes straight, so i take her hand, quickly running to the right. olivia laughs as i pull her along, past the paparazzi. i look left and right before quickly crossing the road with olivia. 

olivia and i catch our breaths as i look behind us after we cross the road. "oh look! a dessert restaurant," olivia says, and she pulls me inside before i can even look forward. 

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