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i smile as i see hailee steinfeld on the jingleball stage, crowd cheering for her. 

we had been talking for around a month, meeting on the set of 'young avengers'. we even though had a few scenes together (and still filming), we were talking a lot. not really as a couple, but i suppose we're in the talking stage and getting to know each other. there were rumours, though.

olivia's pov
i look up at the screens, seeing hailee steinfeld as she performs her song. she was stunning.

i heard y/n was here supporting hailee. we haven't talked in, like, a few months. we used to talk every hour, until we got busy. y/n had her new movie coming soon and i was working on my album that had come out a month ago. we just... drifted apart. i guess neither of us cared enough to actually reconnect. i mean, i still cared. a lot.

that was why i kissed her. i knew y/n liked girls, but maybe she didn't see anything with us. i had so many unanswered questions.

it didn't really matter, anyways. i've been talking to louis partridge for a month. there was already rumors about us, like there was with y/n and i. louis was at the jingleball show tonight with conan and iris, just to watch me. maybe y/n would be watching me, too.

i keep my eyes on the screen, watching as she makes the stage hers. she was amazing at singing, dancing and acting. triple threat.

i take a deep breath as i see y/n come up on the other screen. she was having a good time with other people around her, singing to hailee's songs with a lot of energy. still as pretty as ever. i smile faintly, before the screen changes to hailee again. i look away as someone calls my name to get ready for my set.

y/n's pov
i smile, running up to hailee as she walks backstage. i close my eyes as she hugs me, laughing. "i probably smell like sweat," hailee says, before we let go. "you smell great," i say, "and you were amazing!"

i stand next to hailee as we watch the next set. "olivia rodrigo!" ryan seacrest announces, the crowd yelling. olivia was performing?

hailee and i watch as the instrumentals for olivia's set starts to play. i take a gulp as olivia runs onto stage, the crowd cheering louder. "i am light as a feather i'm as stiff as a board..." olivia sings, the crowd quick to join in.

i've listened to olivia's album a few times. it was really good. i start to feel a little guilt as i continue to watch olivia have the best time on stage. maybe i should've messaged her. what if she didn't message me back, though? it's not like she was the first to message me, either.

olivia goes to sing her last song, and i face away from the balcony, leaning my back against it. 

hailee smiles at me, and i smile back. "something wrong?" she asks, over olivia's voice. "no, i'm good," i say, "just a little thirsty. i might go and get water." "okay, there's so much backstage," hailee says. "alright," i chuckle, "i'll be back."

i walk backstage, seeing a crew member. "excuse me, do you guys have water?" i ask. she turns around, smiling as she nods. 

i follow her, walking to the stacks of water bottles. hailee was not joking.

"thank you so much," i smile, taking the water bottle. "no problem," the woman smiles before walking off. 

i start to walk back, hearing the crowd cheer loud, music stopping. i look to the person walking in the opposite direction as me, seeing olivia in her red dress.

she wipes her forehead as she looks forward, slightly down. suddenly, she looks up, locking eye contact with me.

we both give small smiles, slightly slowing down. "you... you did really well tonight," i say. "oh, thank you," olivia smiles wider, "um... tell hailee she did amazing too, tonight."

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