photographer - five

481 31 2

a/n - please voteeeee

olivia's pov
i wake up, squinting my eyes at the brightness. this doesn't feel like the pillow. i look up, seeing y/n sleeping. everything floods back.

i widen my eyes, staring forward. i just flirted with y/n last night. she semi-rejected me. why am i half cuddling her, then? that's right. i practically begged. 

i focus on y/n's arm around me. i mean, i guess that she didn't have to put her arms around me. i close my eyes, falling asleep again.

"i didn't mean to flirt with her!" i tell iris on the phone. "oh my god," iris laughs, "this is so funny!" "no, it's not!" i groan, "i feel like shit, mentally and physically."

i stare at myself in the mirror as chappell sings. i've only spoken a few words to y/n. she wasn't awkward. i was. fuck.

"come in!" i say, looking at the door. y/n walks in with a smile, "hey." "oh hey," i smile. "do you wanna go and get dessert after your show?" she asks. "just you and i?" i ask. "um, yeah," she nods, "unless... you want the others to come." "no, that's all good," i smile. "okay," y/n flashes her smile, "i'll see you soon." "see you soon."

i watch y/n open the door, going to step out. "y/n?" i call. "yeah?" she turns around. "um... about last night," i sigh, "i'm sorry i came on so harsh. i didn't mean to flirt with you." "oh," y/n chuckles, "it's all good. don't worry about it."

i put my earpieces in, seeing a flash. i look up, smiling at y/n. she takes another photo.

y/n's pov
"you were amazing," i tell olivia, walking up to her. she turns around, smiling at me, "thank you, y/n."

i start to drive to the restaurant i had booked, olivia in the passenger seat. "hungry?" i ask. "a little," olivia says, "maybe a lot. try running around for two hours while semi-hungover." 

olivia's pov
i smile at y/n as she laughs.

i walk in, y/n walking beside me. we get lead to our seat, and we sit down. i take the menu as y/n hands it to me, opening it up.

"y/n, you gotta stop paying," i tell her, "you're here because of me! i should pay." "exactly, i'm here because of you. i should pay," she says as we walk out of the restaurant. "well i'm paying next time," i say.

2 weeks later
things were going great. tour, management, sleep... y/n. i mean, things haven't really advanced, but things haven't been worse. we acted like that one night didn't happen.

i look at y/n as she falls onto the bed with a sigh, pulling her laptop up. i move closer as she starts to look through the pictures. "how do i look in these?" i ask, smiling as i know what y/n's gonna say. "so terrible," she says, "are you sure that you wanna post them?" i laugh, "man, you make me feel really good." y/n chuckles, "i can make you feel good in better ways."

i look at y/n, furrowing my eyebrows as i smile, "what does that mean?" "nothing," y/n giggles. "no, tell me," i laugh, moving closer to her, same pillow. "nothing!" she laughs, shaking her head as she edits the picture of me. 

i smile as y/n zooms in on my face. i look at her as she stares at it. "uh... are you good? i mean, i know i'm attractive but i didn't think you'd have the balls to stare at my face right in front of me."

y/n laughs, looking at me, "i'm just seeing how much i need to photoshop. you can look away with you want." i laugh too, punching y/n's shoulder gently, "i hate you!"

y/n chuckles, editing the atmosphere's energy with the lighting. we get down to a solid four to post for my instagram post. "what post did you want first?" she asks. "well, which one do i look best in?" i ask. "uh..." she swipes through them, stopping at one with my back showing, main focus being the massive crowd, "this one."

i groan, "i'm being serious!" "okay," y/n laughs at her joke. she swipes back, "this one, i think. your smile's really nice." i look at y/n, smiling, "aw, you think i have a nice smile?"

y/n zooms in on my face, "can't you see i photoshopped it? this is i spent a lot of time on. that's why it should go first." "you just can't admit that you think i'm attractive!" i laugh. "i'm kidding! i didn't photoshop anything. i just... yeah. you look really pretty here." after so many jokes about my appearance, it felt really nice to get a compliment from y/n.

y/n's pov
"thanks," olivia lightly giggles. i look at olivia, smiling. it felt nice to compliment her.

olivia looks up at me, smiling with her lips. i look down at her lips, chuckling and looking away.

i edit a few other photos as olivia goes to post for tonight. i close the editing app, looking at olivia as she talks. "you have folders for me?" she asks. i look onto my desktop, seeing the multiple folders, labeled for each city, with the date beside it. "oh, yeah," i say, "i just like to keep it organized." "hope you keep that there forever," olivia says. "well no," i say, "i do it for all the artists i go on tour with. it eventually goes onto a usb, though." "you'll keep mine on there," olivia smiles. "i probably won't," i admit. "what a loser," olivia sighs, "and... post." 

i pick up my phone, looking up olivia's name on instagram. i tap on her account, scrolling and at her post. olivia gasps, "you don't even follow me!" i laugh, going out of the post and seeing her homepage. i didn't follow her. "okay, i follow, like, two hundred people," i tell her, tapping onto my account. "i follow a hundred and fifty," i confirm, looking at her. "i think i deserve to be one of those people," olivia says. "well you gotta earn it," i grin. "earn a follow," olivia scoffs, smiling.

2 weeks later
i scroll on my phone as we fly to canada, olivia sat beside me. i look at her, chuckling as her eyes were closed, mouth slightly open as she sleeps. 

i aim my phone, taking a selfie of olivia and i as i smile.

i stop scrolling through my camera roll as i feel olivia's head on my shoulder. i look down, seeing olivia still sleeping. my heart beats a little faster, and i turn my phone off, leaving it under my thigh. 

i close my eyes, leaving my cheek on olivia's head.

"get up, man!" i groan, pulling the blanket off olivia. "y/n," olivia groans, squeezing her eyes shut. "don't 'y/n' me," i tell her, laughing, "you're gonna run late! first show in canada. we're in canada!" 

olivia does her soundcheck, and we go to get food. "are you hungry?" i ask. "just thirsty," olivia says, looking at me, "you?" "kinda hungry," i answer. "yeah, we can get food," olivia says. "yeah, i'd rather not starve," i tell olivia. "obviously," olivia smiles, "who's gonna take photos of me if you die of starvation, then?"

i dip the grilled cheese in the tomato soup, looking at liv as she drinks her matcha latte. "want some?" i ask. "uh..." she looks at the grilled cheese, "is it good?" "pretty good," i say, handing it to olivia.

i watch her take a bite, nodding as she chews. i smile, taking it as she hands it back. "that's good," olivia nods after she swallows. "did you want some?" i ask. "no, i'm good. thanks, though," olivia smiles.

i walk between the barricade and the stage after the opening act, taking a few pictures of olivia's fans. "are you and olivia dating?!" someone asks after i take a picture of them with their friends. i laugh, shaking my head, "no, we aren't." their smiles fade slightly, in disappointment. "why? do you think we should?" i ask, smiling. "yes!" they all scream. i laugh again, "alright, i'll let olivia know."

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