new year - three

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a/n - please vote!

y/n's pov , the next day
i stare at my phone, reading over the messages both mom and dad had sent me. suddenly i was making it about myself. last i checked, this had happened because of me.

i turn my phone off as olivia walks into her room after brushing her teeth. "hey, i think i'm gonna go home," i tell her, standing up, "thank you for having me, olivia. i really needed this." olivia smiles, walking over to me, "you should stay over more often." "yeah," i chuckle, wrapping my arms around her.

i close my eyes, hugging olivia tightly, "thank you."

olivia's pov
i could tell y/n really needed me these past few days. i'm glad that i was there for her. i genuinely do wish she was staying longer. she acts different with me than the others i've noticed. she's more... comfortable, almost.

i close my eyes, hugging y/n just as tight. i hold onto her until she lets go. 

"are you sure you don't want me to drive you back?" i ask as y/n opens her door. "no, it's all good, it's a ten minute walk from here, anyways," she smiles, "thank you, again." "of course," i chuckle as y/n hugs me once more, "text me when you're home."

y/n's pov
i unlock the door to the house. my parents are both at work, thank god. i take out my phone, quickly texting olivia before i walk in and close the door, heading upstairs.

i pick up my sharpener, sitting at my desk. i look at it, picking up the screwdrivers and unscrewing it.

i hold the blade and walk into the bathroom, locking myself in.

i look around, dropping the now bloody blade of the sharpener beside me. i sigh, closing my eyes as i lean my head on the back wall.

i didn't really think about self harming when i was with olivia. maybe i was happy being with her. or maybe just too distracted to think about everything else in life.

i shake my arm as i walk out of the bathroom, placing the blade in my pocket to put in the drawer later. i pick up my phone from the bed and read the message from olivia that was sent 14 minutes ago, smiling faintly.

'okay thats good😁 miss u already'

i lay on my bed, texting her back.

'dont make me come over there again🙄🙄'

i see the message bubbles, and read olivia's text as i chuckle.

'i wouldnt mind fr idk what to do now that u aren't here'

i think of what to type back, looking up from my phone as i hear the door unlock. i look at the time, furrowing my eyebrows as it wasn't the time when my parents would come home.

i look at my bedroom door as it opens, showing dad. he stumbles in, using the doorknob to hold his weight. i exhale through my nose annoyingly, looking down at my phone. "took the day off work to go drink?" i mumble. "don't... with that attitude," he grumbles. "okay," i respond, going to type back olivia. "where'd you go?" he slurs, "fuckin' got your mom and i worried, not even answering our texts." i accidentally scoff. all of them were about how i was the problem anyways.

"what's that laugh?" he asks. "nothing," i say, "it's just funny that you choose whether to act like you're being a good dad on the shitty days." i know that i was gonna get shit for this, but i probably would either way.

i get out of the bed as dad starts his rant, putting my phone in my pocket. "who the fuck has been paying for all the shit in the house? the electricity bill, the water bill, the house?" "and that's supposed to make me feel better when you and mom tell me that you'd be happier if you didn't have me," i say, walking towards him to get to the door.

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