new faces

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a/n - please vote! one of my fav stories :)

olivia's pov , senior year
i walk into what i hope was my ap physics class. i walk up to the teacher, male, brunette, around 6'1. he looks at me, smiling, "you must be olivia?" "hi," i smile back, hearing students walk in behind me as i stand opposite to him. "welcome! i'm mr duke," he says, "and this is ap physics. are you nervous?" "that's an understatement," i let out a nervous sigh. "oh, don't be," he assures, "everyone around here is really nice. well- most of them," he whispers the last part. i let out a chuckle, and we talk for a few more seconds before he tells me to find a seat.

i glance at the empty tables that made 3 long rows, trying to avoid the looks everyone gave as they sat down. i find a seat in the middle row, praying it wasn't already someone's.

mr duke starts to teach, before he leaves us to do our work. everyone has small conversations, and i look beside me as someone says 'hey'. "hi," i smile, studying her face. fair skin, brunette, brown eyes. 

"i'm iris," she introduces herself, "you're new, right?" "yeah, started today- well, obviously. it's the first day regardless," i sigh, "i'm olivia." she gives a light chuckle, "you look like an olivia. this is probably the best class you'll have. duke is best teacher, super chill if you're chill to him. everyone in here makes the subject even better." "i'm glad," i grin. iris tells me about the people sitting in front of us, not having the chance to turn around and introduce everyone else without making it too obvious and weird.

"but it's not stupid!" i hear a girl behind me say to, i'm guessing, the person next to her. "it is," the other girl responds, laughing. "it's not," she argues, laughing and saying this part louder, "hey, duke?" sir looks up from his table, "what's up, garcia?" garcia? must be a last name.

"can i tell you my theory?" garcia asks, the girl beside her snickering. "go ahead," duke says. "so, like, you know how only 5 percent of the ocean is discovered?" she asks, "so that means 95 isn't." "that's how it works," duke smiles. "so there must be billions of new fish species out there," she says, "i think that if they all drank the ocean water at the same time, we'd have no water in the ocean." a few people laugh, and i crack a small chuckle. i turn around, looking at the girl who thought of the theory, her eyes staying on duke. my heart beats a little faster as i see how pretty she was, and i turn back around.

"okay..." duke nods slowly. "jess thinks i'm stupid! it's a good theory, right?" she asks. "it is," duke nods, "but fish don't drink water." "no, but that's only the fish we've discovered within the 5 percent!" she exclaims, "there's obviously more fish out there. what if they're further away from the shore because the quality of water is better or something? but if they're all like 'hey everyone, let's gulp down the water at 12pm', there's gonna be no water in the ocean left." i let out another small laugh, iris can't help but do the same. 

"well how's that message gonna get around? what if fish can't understand each other? like, they'd have their own languages," jess says, "i can't communicate to an italian." "there's probably bilingual fish like there is people! they could have, like, colonization in the ocean, i don't know," garcia says, "but you're just jealous that you didn't come up with the theory so you're calling it stupid. it okay not to be as bright as me." i keep a smile on my face. "okay, when i see the water gone, i'll finally praise you," jess laughs. "well they aren't gonna do it, i said they could. they have the potential. it's like telling everyone to set their houses on fire," garcia answers. 

duke tells them to settle, and i look at iris as she talks quietly. "that's y/n garcia," she introduces her, "most popular girl in the school. she's actually really nice, and funny, as you could see. all the guys want her, but she swings the other way. a few girls have tried to get with her, but she didn't date any of them." "women, huh?" i ask. "women," iris chuckles, "why? you swing that way too?" "yeah," i smile, "guys and girls." "well here's your chance," iris implies. i smile, "as if she'd go for me. how about i settle in before i find a girlfriend?"

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