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It was a boring May morning at 6:30 am, kids crowded into their Classes for the impending doom of the approaching day. The bell rang and flashed overhead, indicating that the student's passing time was unfortunately up. Their sighs echoed in union as the pledge crackled to life on the speaker. The only ones interested into quoting the long lasting motto were usually some military kids, teachers, and some regular people. 

For me, I was one of those kids that had their good and bad days. Sometimes I would both recite it and then just not participate. My High school was one of those lottery won enrollment programs where you are shoved in a raffle and hope for the best. However I, the intellectual I am managed to haggle my way through the system through grades, and joining a program. They were so astounded at my one A, two B's, and a C in geometry in my eighth year to the point they thought I could comprehend how to code and program. 

Needless to say I depended mainly on instructions and my wonderful friend in which they had gotten in the same way I did. We were best friends, and we pretty much were the only ones that knew each other since we went completely off the grid for choosing our High School. The only thing which was a problem was she had I guess gone missing. 

Do I know the cause? No I really don't but I sure as heck know that it isn't normal. Now may I be perhaps coping these very stress inducing thoughts with humor? Yes, yes I am, and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if half the population of teenagers were doing this already. However, the one thing I do know is that my friend would never and I mean never leave without telling me, and without a good reason. That just wasn't the person she is, and I would know.

Staring at the digital clock above the door its bright red numbers easily displayed a quarter till noon. I was currently in my English Honors class, and honestly I kinda zoned out to the point where I could faintly hear the 'wah wah wah' of the teacher from Charlie Brown. I already took the notes, all it took was the quick pull up of a Chromebook and bam there you go, oh and by the way I've already finished my assignments so go on keep talking. I slumped in my chair taking a quick look at my phone to check the news. I frowned slightly after not seeing anything, but quickly turned off my phone and looked ahead.

I sat at a table alone, mainly because I didn't like the social interaction and people probably didn't want to talk to me. Honestly I held some pretty biased ideals, but most often I would come to agreements with people and not resort to yelling. Of course I sometimes thought I talked too much when I get into a conversation, but maybe that's just my autism talking. 

I pulled my hair back, brushing the stray blonde strands out of my face, while being extra cautious not to catch my thumb on the rim of my glasses. Gosh I hate smudging my glasses. It takes like five minutes just to get the smudges off because it like makes tiny little smudges then they turn into bigger ones- and I'm rambling, great. Come on guys it isn't that hard to write a literary analysis essay, look at me I finished mine in under twenty minutes! I sighed, touching my face with my hands to gauge how cold they were at the moment, and usually my fingers were like ice.

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