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Ugh, good gosh I feel like I was dragged over several mountains and a couple rivers

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Ugh, good gosh I feel like I was dragged over several mountains and a couple rivers... maybe even had a tussle with a bear for all I know. Man, waking up with fluorescent lights blaring at you along with the fact you probably have a really bad spinal fracture is not fun. I tried squinting in hopes for my eyes to adjust, however when I attempted to bring a hand to shield them, I found I was actually unable to do so. 

Well isn't that interesting... I'm also sitting up huh. Strange 

However the fact when I soon realized I was cuffed to a chair startled me a bit, and honestly I thought I was being taken away to whoever knows where the whores and hoes reside. My cold breath whistled through my teeth as I tried squeezing my hands through the bindings, but failed miserably and only managed to pinch a nerve. 

This is fine... probably not, I mean it's not like that often someone gets taken away to some empty room and cuffed to a chair. This is totally normal right?  Honestly, I was starting to doubt my good reasoning with myself... I wonder why. Could it be I am my worst enemy? 

Yeah I most definitely am.

I honestly didn't know how long I've been held up in this room, however I grimaced when the giant metal door to my right was pulled open with a loud 'bang,' and it honestly almost sounded like the gongs we had in our band class. 

The sound of footsteps approaching certainly caught my attention, and only made my anxiety grow. What did I do? Did they wake me up before and I bashed someone's skull in with my water bottle? What gives? The shadows of people grew closer and soon I finally saw the face of...

Anime? Hah?

Nah this can't be it, I'm totally hallucinating. Unless my vision is seriously cracked I should not be manga adaptating detective gadget right now. My mouth felt dry as the man with the detective coat sat down across the cement table that was attached to the wall on my left. Matter of fact the entire room either consisted of metal or concrete. The click of a pen snapped my attention back to the impromptu guest that had entered my nice little artificial gorilla habitat.

The man tipped his beige fedora before speaking,

"My name is Detective Tsukauchi, and I have some questions regarding your rather recent visit to U.A. High." 

Holy shi- crap this is either really real or one of those lucid dreams or something like that. And wait- is that man talking Japanese? How am I-

Tsukauchi cleared his throat in which I pretty much froze up. If this is the detective right down with a LIE DETECTOR QUIRK how the heck am I meant to get scot free without offending people and hurting feelings? Alright me BS now mind talk later. I took a shaky inhale, swallowing down any part of self-doubt I could, and attempted for not a half-assed answer.

"M-my name is Kathryn- Kathryn Smith sir." Gosh I hate this, being interviewed is so not on my to-do list for New Year's resolution. 

Honestly I was surprised at the fact I was speaking Japanese to a point of understanding, and half-expected it to sound like that one song where it was like 'ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang' or just sounding like some disassociated rat that perhaps had an Italian accent- I have no clue at this point in time.

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