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I awoke with a jolt, the faint echoes of a conversation filtering through the door, elevating the silence

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I awoke with a jolt, the faint echoes of a conversation filtering through the door, elevating the silence. I groaned sitting up with a yawn, before immediately jumping up, and pressing my ear against the wooden door. Don't normally do this but maybe they are talking about me, mostly likely... dunno. I could pick up the voices of Aizawa... and Yamada since his voice kept rising a few pitches only to get shushed by Aizawa from what I could tell.

"I hope you know what you are doing Yamada. I don't want to come home and see her drowning in the toilet, or even worse claiming she's now a dog person. And also make sure she does her chores, just because I am going to be gone for a little while, doesn't give her the green light to assume she is off the hook." 

I rolled my eyes at that statement but heard a snort from Yamada on the other end.

"Dude don't worry! Go with Toshinori, talk to the parents, and then you can come back and be the overprotective father you are." 

Cringing slightly, I was getting ready to flop back down on my mattress and sleep for another hour or so before I lunged to grab my phone, which Aizawa had the entire time the camp was in session, so the League in fact does not have all my search history. Jostling the door handle, I pushed the door open, camera at the ready as I tiptoed down the hall, brushing a few blonde strands out of my face before turning the corner...

"Kathryn, we both heard you slam that door open like an elephant, so don't even try to be sneaky or whatever you're trying to accomplish." Aizawa called out with a tinge of annoyance while I, had by back plastered to the wall, and had the camera ready on my phone. 

I smirked before jumping out to the side, skidding to a halt and quickly snapped a photo of a Aizawa in a suit, who then had a baffled expression that shifted to one of understanding and irritation. Yamada was standing next to him with grocery bags in hand, and laughed as I began bolting back to my room. Unfortunately my ankle was snagged and I was dragged back out into the open, bed head and all. 

Darn I nearly made it to home plate, Shinso would've been ecstatic to get something like this. Aizawa stood arms crossed as he tried grabbing my phone which I had tucked protectively against my chest, and shot a glare. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off quickly with a wave of my hand. 

Time for round two of reasoning.

"Wait. Look you look really nice right now, probably the nicest since I've ever seen you! Can I just keep one photo of you, and I promise never to share it with anyone!" I pleaded looking and Yamada who was trying to stifle his chuckles in the palm of his hand. Aizawa gave an exasperated huff before reluctantly nodding.

"I suppose, but next time you do something like this, because I know for a fact I've never seen you touch anything classy, I get to take a photo." 

I smiled and pumped my fist in the air with a small cheer as I went through and kept one photo. Jokes on you I've worn plenty of dresses and have had my photos taken, so you are merely doing something that has been in my agenda before. I stood up again and watched as he waved goodbye, and exited through the door, closing and locking it from the other side. I stood disheveled, satisfied with my latest endeavor, and was about to go wash up fro the day before I got a bone crushing hug from Yamada.

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