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Quick side note!

All bolded = English

Besides that, Enjoy!


Maybe this was a bad idea.

I remember getting up early once again, however this time a uniform was thrown at me with my new motto 'thirty minutes or extra training,' wrestled with my subconscious. 

The school uniform I was given was the usual U.A. uniform, skirt and all. Although I made sure to put shorts underneath after having my entire wardrobe restocked from a surprise visit from Midnight. 

She had shown up with an oversized beige sweater, and multiple bags from the local mall that I was given information on. Midnight had pulled me to the side and talked about certain things, and to come get her if I had any trouble, or if Aizawa was being mean. Which I tried alluding to, however Aizawa put an end to that nonsense quite fast. 

Besides that, the uniform did have one modification.

The tie was gold instead of red.

Aizawa said that Nezu had added that specifically so the teachers would be able to know who I was, be able to escort me if I ever got lost, or if I caused trouble. Which I know I hope not to be doing. I knew better than to step out of my place at the moment, but I did have to snoop a little in order to figure certain things out.

However, right now I was seated right in the principals office, with Nezu handing out tea like it was cash.

"Well, today certainly is nice wouldn't you agree Smith?" Nezu asked, a serene expression on his face.

I nodded silently, brushing my hair behind my ear nervously, and fixing my glasses.

Nezu smiled and continued, "I believe you have some catching up to do on how society has evolved and such, so shall we begin?" 

The question lingered in the air as I repositioned myself in my current chair, getting ready to absorb information I already know, and perhaps some I don't know. Looking from where I was at, the only noticeable thing on his desk at the moment was his name, and his teapot. 

"I'll take you silence as a yes, so let's begin..."


Looking at the wall clock I would only assume the entire speech had taken two hours. 

Rubbing my face with the palms of my hands, I stifled a yawn all while stretching slightly. So many nuances and rules, what the heck has society done? The entirety of the lecture had circled around the main origin of Quirks, the sudden collapse in the development of technology, big wars that had sparked alongside segregation from those with Quirks, theeen the acceptance of said Quirks blah blah blah...

The Watcher~ BNHA X OCWhere stories live. Discover now