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Hello everyone, and before you begin reading I highly recommend reading what I have to put so there isn't confusion or hopes for certain ships and etc...

First off!

I won't be doing any ships except for obvious ones that look like they are bound to happen so like (MidoriyaxOchaco) and honestly I think that is the most prominent one, and please no wars for ships in the comments, let's all be chill lil dudes here

Another thing is Eraserhead will be a very common figure within the story and I will unfortunately not be doing any EraserMic so if you came here for that terribly sorry since I am going to be focusing more on dynamic 


This is going to be following as close to the manga as possible, or at least my knowledge and certain instances referencing to farther parts in the manga, so I highly recommend you are as caught up as you can be so you aren't spoiled!


A few warnings is swearing, (looking at you Bakugo), violence cause like what did you expect, and yeah I'm not doing anything R-rated or anything, so no stuff like that


Also here is the profile for Kathryn:

Name: Kathryn Smith

Birthday: 11/9

Description: She has long blonde hair that reaches just below her lower back, and has hazel eyes. She has an extremely pale complexion which often can concern others for her well-being. She stands at average height 5'6, and most of her height is in her legs, which often makes her a little disproportionate at first glance. 

Outfit: Will wear any type of T-shirt alongside any jacket, however she must have some sort of jogings pants or dress pants on her since she absolutely despises jeans. She also wears regular sneakers and some silver cat earrings. 


Power: 3.5/5

Speed: 4/5

Intelligence: 5/5

Cooperation: 4.5/5

Technique: 6/5


*everything else should be explained throughout the story

I believe that is all unless I've forgotten something which is extremely common thing for me to do, so if that does happen I will add to this and leave little disclaimers as it goes on. Besides that I hope you enjoy the story! Peace ✌️

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