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I had gotten to the habit of waking up, subconsciously, however, it didn't make me any less more annoyed when I realized it was finally the weekend, and I could finally catch up on the much-needed sleep that evaded me daily

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I had gotten to the habit of waking up, subconsciously, however, it didn't make me any less more annoyed when I realized it was finally the weekend, and I could finally catch up on the much-needed sleep that evaded me daily. Aizawa was nice enough to provide me with a digital clock that gave me the exact date and time so I could hate on myself when I woke up at 2 AM, can't fall back asleep, and all I can see are the red blinking lights blaring back at me. I didn't know if I was gonna be allowed to do anything on my own considering the situation as it is however, trying to drag myself out of bed is more of a momentous task that I needed to do at the moment.

Giving a half hearted attempt to smooth out my hair. I reached into the wooden drawer on my right, and pulled out some clothes that may or may not have been a t-shirt and some jogging pants, since that is pretty much my entire theme. I'm lucky that Midnight asked my preferences beforehand, I don't think I can wear any denim today... or ever. Besides my displeasure for jeans, I was wondering whether Aizawa gets the day off for the weekends or something. That would be nice for him since he also needs the sleep.

Making sure everything was a lot more set up, I then pushed open my door and made my way to the living room. There I sat on the couch for a bit and snatched one of the cats. Scrolling through the news on my phone I saw the video of Stain's whole spiel, and how Endeavor was the one to take down Stain, yadda yadda yadda. Doesn't really matter to me since I know exactly happened. I glanced over at the sound of footsteps approaching and saw Aizawa stumbling into the main area. 

He was wearing a simple black long-sleeved shirt and... bright pink jogging pants. I decided not to comment on that since I do the exact same thing. My socks are usually different colors, and sometimes I just outright deny color theory because it takes too much effort to make everything match, and make yourself look nice. Which is why I don't really wear makeup.

I think I still have that brand new makeup bag Midnight gave me at the beginning, although I haven't touched it at all. Don't really see a point at the moment, like who am I trying to impress?

 Watching as Aizawa trudged over to the recliner across from where I was sitting on the couch, he pulled open the curtains slightly allowing a bit of sunlight in and sat down. 

"If you want kid, I bought eggs a couple days ago, so if you want to make something you can, just don't burn the house down in the process." Aizawa grumbled reaching out for Leo who had just crawled out from under the table in the middle. Looking down at my own feline companion, I debated whether to attempt making scrambled eggs, or well any kind of egg in that matter.

I wonder if he has any grease or bacon fat, that would be most preferred however it doesn't really matter. Rubbing my eyes and placing my glasses back onto the bridge of my nose, I got up carefully, making sure that Misha hopped down safely, then proceeded to the kitchen. The area was quite small although it was big enough to function for the moment. Opening the white fridge, I quickly located the carton of eggs before pausing, and looking over the open door of the fridge in Aizawa's direction.

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