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"They're finally here

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"They're finally here."

When you know that the inevitable is close, and you most certainly know that you can avoid it...

Do it. 

We most certainly did not make it to lunch, and I already knew that the very moment Mineta took a piss in the woods. 

You always laugh at the absurdity at the situation when you are merely a viewer, however when you are up close and personal with the task, needless to say you don;t laugh or joke about it anymore. 

Hobbling out of the forest with the rest of the class was quite the sight. I was clutching a bruised shoulder after being launched into a rock from accidentally getting in the way of Todoroki's attack. I managed to take out almost ten of those rock monsters, some including assisting the other members. I was very much so caked with dirt and pebbles, and I took no time with getting ready to make a mad dash to the hotsprings first before eating. 

I limped over a little before glancing at Sero and Kirishima who were complaining about the time and how hungry they were. 

"Sorry that's how quick we would've made it." Mandalay said while covering up a chuckle. 

Three hours is what they said, however it was just a mere estimate for their own time. It was kinda unfair really, I mean, at least give an accurate guess on how long it would take first year students and not already fully fledged pro heroes. I gave a garbled sigh and glanced over to Pixie Bob who exclaimed rather enthusiastically how easily we actually made it through the forest, and dealt with her earth beasts pretty well. 

"Gonna have fun three years from now! I'm marking them as mine!"

And there she goes and assaults the men. Poor Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki, may your souls rest in piece. Luckily the lady stepped away when Midoriya asked about Kota, who had a scowl on is face ever since I first saw him. The boy glared at Midoriya as he approached him, crouching down to the boy's height, which may I saw is not a good idea. Midoriya, you see... always fear the small ones. They will do anything in their power to bring their wrath upon ye. The green haired boy reached out his hand with a smile,

"Hi. I'm Midoriya from U.A High School's hero course! Nice to meetcha!" 

The boy looked at him blankly, while I cringed away back into the forest. As expected, the boy threw a nasty punch to the family jewels, and now it looks like Midoriya is no longer having anymore children. Iida dashed to the collapsing Midoriya, stuck his hand out at the retreating child, and chastised him,


The raven-haired boy merely glanced over his shoulder, his eyes showing nothing but detest,

"I can't abide jerks who wanna be heroes." And then he stalked off into the building. I frowned knowing that I could probably do something about this, but I shook my head at the thought and tried getting my scraggly hair in order. I can't do that, I'm doing too much already as is. Midoriya needs to have these moments with Kota, not me. I swiveled around again to Bakugo and Todoroki who were arguing- well Bakugo was more or less doing the yelling part.

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