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My childhood was quite the rollercoaster

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My childhood was quite the rollercoaster.

I remember both my parents working so much to the point I rarely ever saw them. My Ma got home at midnight, and my Dad got back around noon, then napped the rest of the day. 

I was raised mainly by my Gran.

She was one of the strongest women I know, and raised me with a sandal in one hand, wooden spoon in the other. 

Of course I learned morals really fast, considering I would be whacked if I did something wrong. And really, I am grateful for it. She was probably the only reason I never thought about ending it all, or harming myself really. 

My family had trouble with the medical industry, I think it started with my Dad and the owner of one of the big medical places. 

I believe my Dad and whoever the owner was went to the same school together, and by the looks of it, the person really didn't like my Dad. 

It lasted for a long time, even the doctors and nurses treated my family differently. However, they still had to do their job or else complaints would be made, but we just had to go more often which meant more money spent on unnecessary treatments. 

Well I didn't really see the correlation when I was young, but I do remember the day my younger sister was born. And that was the day, I knew what feeling inferior was like.

My Ma babied my younger sister to death. She left her job and became a stay-at-home mother, and only directed her attention to the younger. 

She coddled that little snob so much to the point she had gotten pretty much everything her way. She had access to the internet faster than me, and I still wasn't allowed on some sites. The younger threw tantrums if she didn't have her devices on her wherever she went. Heck even when I would go to correct the little brat I would get in trouble since 'I'm not the parent.'

My Dad even admitted to failing my younger sister in terms of discipline.

I was fine with being out of the spotlight. I still overachieved and reached for high grades, so that I would eventually have that to back me up on when I found a passion for something. My Gran even supported me completely.

It wasn't until the pharmacy decided to pull a fast one on us.

They gave my Dad some sort of medicine when he was coming for antibiotics, and that ultimately destroyed him. I watched as he slowly became more and more immobile, and the pain was constant. 

We couldn't sue the pharmacy because they were a part of the Government, and the treatment was nonexistent. So, my Dad had to quit his job, and him being the main breadwinner of the house and suddenly loosing that status, showed my Ma's true colors.

She immediately went and started dating a felon.

Me and my Dad couldn't do anything but watch as she took away my younger sister. She even tried dragging me down with her, but I stayed behind and helped my Dad around the house instead.

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