A7 C210: Team Collaboration

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The atmosphere in the small internet café by the roadside wasn't great. The air was filled with a mixture of smoke, alcohol, and the scent of instant noodles. The constant sound of keyboard typing echoed, occasionally accompanied by angry shouts from gamers who failed to clear levels. It was a cacophony of insults ranging from ancestors to immediate family members, all unpleasant to hear.

Seated in front of the computer, Jiang Weimian began searching for news about the highway accident from the previous day, finding it had made headlines. The red truck driver, Zhou Lihuo, was apprehended as a suspect, and someone had surreptitiously recorded several blurry videos, titling them "Truck Driver Fatigue Causes Late-Night Accident, Pregnant Woman Fatally Injured—Double Tragedy."

Jiang Weimian clicked on the video and discovered footage of a man being taken away by the police from the hospital entrance. Zhou Lihuo, aged around forty, had a dark complexion, weathered features, and struggled vehemently, attempting to communicate something. However, the only sounds that came out were indistinct utterances resembling "abba abba."

Wang Dabiao scratched his head in confusion. "What is he saying?"

Jiang Weimian replayed the video, then finally noticed something, furrowing his brow. "Is he mute?"

Shen Zuixing pondered, "So, was he using sign language earlier?"

Jiang Weimian promptly captured screenshots from the video and searched online. Meanwhile, He Man and Qian Duoduo quickly recorded information in their notebooks, simultaneously watching the video and consulting sign language tutorials. Eventually, they deciphered the meaning behind Zhou Lihuo's sign language.

"I… did not… hit her..."

"I wanted… to save her..."

"I still have… family… to support..."

"So… at night… I work..."

"I really… did not hit her..."

The man stood in front of the crowded hospital entrance, repeating these incomprehensible motions to the police and the onlookers. His mouth moved as he tried desperately to convey something, but all that came out were vague sounds. Tears glistened in the sunken, weathered eyes, and his gestures became increasingly forceful.

"I did not… hit her..."

"I wanted… to save her..."

Zhou Lihuo repeated these motions persistently, futile yet determined.

"I wanted… to save her..."

After slowly translating these words, Jiang Weimian and the others stared at the computer screen in silence. He Man, holding her notebook, whispered, "He's so pitiful. The surveillance cameras were broken. If they can't catch the real culprit, he might not be able to explain himself."

Jiang Weimian checked the comments section and found many netizens misled by the video's title and content. Criticisms were abundant, with some going as far as to dig up Zhou Lihuo's personal information.

【I knew he wasn't a good person from the start; he lives downstairs from me, always coming and going at odd hours, never speaking to anyone, giving off a gloomy vibe. I heard he used to hang out with a bad crowd when he was young, spent a few years in jail, and now he caused someone's death. Truly, old habits die hard. It's a pity his parents are getting old; they still have to worry about their unfilial son.】

【That pregnant woman is really pitiful, and the child is innocent.】

【This driver deserves to die; his parents didn't raise him properly.】

The Rescue Of The Tragic Villain Is In Progress! [PART 2]Where stories live. Discover now