A9 C261: Tears

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Ming Zhou had lived alone for many years and had a small social circle, basically not having many friends. Although there was a guest room in his place, it was rarely opened. It was filled with storage boxes, making it difficult to find a place to stand.

Xiao Jin'ang opened the door and found a thin layer of dust on the storage boxes. He waved his hand to disperse the irritating dust and curiously asked, "Are these boxes filled with clothes?"

Ming Zhou stood at the doorway, not entering, as if an invisible barrier kept him outside. He responded without showing any emotion, "Not clothes, but relics of the deceased."

Realizing that he might have been too direct and could scare Xiao Jin'ang, he paused and corrected himself, "They are relics of my mother..."

The word "mother" was spoken softly and quickly, as if he didn't want to discuss it. It was as if certain words inherently had thorns, and even a slight touch would draw blood.

Feeling that Ming Zhou's emotions were somewhat strange, Xiao Jin'ang pondered for a moment and then closed the guest room door, "Then I won't disturb the relics of your mother. I'll sleep on the sofa."

Xiao Jin'ang wasn’t upset at all; he simply thought it would be too much trouble for Ming Zhou to clean the room. Since he was only staying for one night, there was no need to make things so complicated.

Ming Zhou naturally wouldn’t let him sleep on the sofa, "It’s okay. They are just some old things that should have been thrown away long ago. I can't see them, so they have been piling up. You go take a shower first, and I'll tidy up quickly."

After saying that, he fumbled in the wardrobe and found a new set of pajamas, handing a towel to Xiao Jin'ang. Xiao Jin'ang was quite curious about this. His body was essentially composed of energy, and it automatically cleaned itself every time it entered the energy sphere, so he didn’t need to shower.

Holding the clothes and towel, Xiao Jin'ang said to Ming Zhou, "It's okay, I'll just sleep on the sofa. I used to sleep on the ground; sleeping on the sofa is already good enough."

Inside the energy sphere, there was no bed, and he would just lie down wherever. He had never slept properly before.

However, upon hearing Xiao Jin'ang's words, Ming Zhou couldn’t help but imagine various scenarios, like Xiao Jin'ang being so poor that he couldn’t afford a bed and had to sleep in a cheap basement, or even more extreme, that he might have been sleeping under a bridge, otherwise why hadn't he slept in a bed before?

Unable to hold back, Ming Zhou asked, "Do you really not have any family? What about your parents?"

Xiao Jin'ang thought, how could a diamond have parents? He was a product of technology. He scratched his head, "I don’t have any family, and I’ve never seen my parents."

Their way of continuation was different from humans; they didn’t rely on bloodlines but on cold mechanical energy.

Outside of work, Ming Zhou was a person of few words. He didn’t like to probe into others' painful pasts. Hearing Xiao Jin'ang's words, he simply responded, “Go take a shower first, don't catch a cold.”

Xiao Jin'ang: “Okay, call me if you need anything.”

A few seconds later, the sound of Xiao Jin'ang closing the bathroom door echoed through the air, leaving complete silence behind.

Ming Zhou stood still for a moment, seeming to be in a daze before snapping back to reality. He slowly turned around, feeling his way along the doorframe into the enclosed and pitch-black bedroom. Clearly, he rarely set foot in here, and everything seemed both unfamiliar and vague to him.

The Rescue Of The Tragic Villain Is In Progress! [PART 2]Where stories live. Discover now