A9 C269: The Blind and the Fool

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Ming Zhou is a psychologist. Apart from getting entangled in his own problems, he is actually quite open-minded about most things. At the age of thirty-five, he has passed the age of shyness in the adult world. Coupled with not being able to resist the eager requests from Xiao Jin'ang, he had no choice but to agree.

Of course, the main reason was the latter.

Ming Zhou never thought that his first kiss would lead to a complete intimacy with Xiao Jin'ang. However, he found himself completely at a loss as to how to refuse the other party, which was a rather fatal problem...

Xiao Jin'ang is currently in a naive age, but his mind is too simple. His way of expressing affection is straightforward and rash. He tried to recall the actions of the previous hosts and then removed Ming Zhou's bathrobe, throwing it aside, and climbed into bed to hug him.

Ming Zhou felt Xiao Jin'ang's strong heartbeat, each beat resonating. All his senses were amplified in the stimulation of the night, even able to perceive changes in the other's body temperature.

He was actually a bit nervous because he hadn't prepared anything in advance, and Xiao Jin'ang didn't seem to be someone who would understand this, so he could only hold back and watch the situation.

Xiao Jin'ang leaned down to kiss Ming Zhou, finding this kissing game endlessly fun, thinking that it's no wonder those hosts loved to play kissing games. The soft kisses were really fun.

Ming Zhou felt a bit ticklish from the kiss and couldn't help but turn his head to avoid it, exposing his Adam's apple to the air, moving up and down, even his voice was hoarse, somewhat helpless, "Don't..."

But Xiao Jin'ang also had times when he wouldn't listen. He lowered his head against Ming Zhou's forehead, preventing him from moving around, and his long eyelashes almost touched the other's cheek, the subtle tickling feeling making him uncomfortable.

There's a small mole on Ming Zhou's neck, exceptionally prominent on his fair and translucent skin, contrasting with his collarbone, adding a hint of seductive allure.

Xiao Jin'ang bent down to kiss that mole but found it didn't come off, so he gave up. He buried his face in Ming Zhou's neck, nuzzling like a puppy, and slowly wrapped his arms around Ming Zhou's waist, rolling around on the bed with him.

In that moment, Ming Zhou's world turned upside down. Although he was blind and couldn't see the flipped scenery, that dizzying feeling remained in his mind.

His Adam's apple moved up and down, unconsciously gripping Xiao Jin'ang's shoulders, feeling uneasy, waiting for the other's next move.

However, Xiao Jin'ang kissed Ming Zhou and, like playing a game, rolled around on the bed with him. From the head of the bed to the foot, and then from the foot back to the head, repeatedly and tirelessly.

Ming Zhou was already confused. He finally realized something was wrong and tried to stop Xiao Jin'ang's actions in the darkness, hoarsely asking, "What are you doing?"

Xiao Jin'ang, hearing this, lifted his head, his naturally curly hair somewhat messy, and replied confidently, "Rolling the sheets."

That's how the previous hosts did it, but he didn't dare to look too closely. He bit his fingertip with some distress, thinking about what to do next.

It seems a bit difficult.

Hearing this, Ming Zhou stiffened, never expecting that Xiao Jin'ang's words were literally about "rolling the sheets." Just as he didn't know how to react, the foolish child Xiao Jin'ang hugged him again and rolled a big circle on the bed. This time, however, he miscalculated the distance, and the two of them plopped and fell off the bed.

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