A8 C218: Lord, What Are You Afraid Of?

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[Have you ever played a strategy game?

Make someone fall in love with you, deceive their true feelings, and then cleanly withdraw. That was just one of your tasks but his only redemption from a lifetime of suffering.

Love in humans is like holding a torch against the wind, bound to burn. This fire, fierce as a festering ulcer, is hard to extinguish.

"I, Baili Duyue, once crowned a king in my youth, ruled the northern region of the Azure Capital. I should have been spirited and full of vigor. Few were my true loves, scarce my sincere affections. Later, cautiously, I entrusted everything to one person, only to realize it was all a trap. Since then, haunted by shadows, terrified for a decade, I dare not love again..."

"Now alone, devoid of love, only bitterness remains."

"If you reject my love, then accept this hatred..."

"The cage is already prepared; the poison won't be fatal. I don't know where I went wrong, deceived so thoroughly. I loved you; I wish for your life to be worse than death..."]

- Excerpt from the original work "Greedy Love" by the online writer Sang Feiwan.

Sang Feiwan used to be an erotic fiction writer, but due to a crackdown, he was forced to switch genres. However, years of writing habits weren't easy to change. His writing often ventured into unspeakable territories, leading to sixteen rejections from the editor in six months.

"Sang Feiwan, change it again. Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony-These are the things you should write about. I've told you many times, don't write content that won't pass review."

Sang Feiwan had a headache, and the editor had an even bigger one. The entire book was filled with borderline content. Deleting or not deleting, changing it sixteen times didn't pass review-it was torture.

"Nowadays, competition in every field is fierce. You should be more cautious, delete all those highlighted contents, understand?"

Sang Feiwan had excellent self-control and never clashed with his superiors. Hearing that this manuscript didn't pass review, he didn't show anger; he just adjusted his posture. "But if I delete the highlighted content, there won't be much left in this book."

Editor: "Then add more plot."

Sang Feiwan lightly massaged his temples with his fingertips. "The highlighted parts are the plot."

The editor adjusted his glasses, staring directly at him. "I mean the main plot, not the bed scene plot."

Sang Feiwan: "..."

Seeing Sang Feiwan silent, the editor sighed. "I know you're used to writing those kinds of articles, changing your writing style might be difficult initially. But you can't wait for the era to adapt to you; you have to adapt to the era."

"I've read your outline. You set the protagonist to cross into another world, bound by a system. To return to his world, he must have sex with few selected targets. This theme itself is already pushing the boundaries. Change it. Turn the intimacy into making the selected targets fall in love with the protagonist, and the plotline will be reversed."

The chief editor adamantly rejected explicit content, but Sang Feiwan, who loved writing such content the most, faced a dilemma. In their clash, someone had to compromise.

Sang Feiwan was always meticulous. Disliking unnecessary conflicts, he finally conceded, rising from his chair. "Fine, I'll go back and make some changes."

The Rescue Of The Tragic Villain Is In Progress! [PART 2]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora