Chapter 3

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Aasia's POV:

As soon as I heard the front door open, and my auntie's voice welcoming the guests, I started freaking out... literally. 

My hands started sweating and negative thoughts started running through my head and I could do nothing to stop it.

"Will they like me or will they treat me like how everyone else did?"

"Will I like them or will they end up being the greedy snobs everyone says they are?"

 I sat down on my bed and took my niqab off.

 'I can't do this! It's too soon! Why did I even agree to this? I should have...'

There was a knock on my door breaking my trail of concentration, and Aunt Sadia poked her head in, "Aasia dear... your guests are waiting for you." she frowned upon seeing my expression and walked in, "Whats wrong dear? Everything will be alright. If you don't like him, we will apologize and ask them to leave. No one will force you to agree to anything you don't want to."

I nodded and forced a smile, "I know, I was just uh... nervous... that's all." 

Aunt Sadia nodded, even though she did not look convinced. "I'll tell them you will be down in a moment." With that she left.

I sat there for a minute longer, calming myself down before I eventually put my niqab back on and with a deep breath, I left the room. 

I held my hands tightly in front of me, to try and stop them from shaking as I followed the voices all the way down the stairs and into the guest's lounge, there sitting on one of the couches was a beautiful women dressed in a dark blue dress and a silver hijaab upon her head. She was sitting next to a familiar man wearing a black suite, who I had seen plenty of times in the newspaper and on the Internet. Mr and Mrs Malik. Sitting next to them on his own couch was a small boy who looked about 6 years old. He was also wearing a suite, and he looked really bored, that must be their youngest son, Hamza Malik. I slowly turned to look at the next couch only to find a pair of grey eyes already on me. The grey eyes belonged to none other than, Hassan Malik. 

"Ah Aasia," My Mamajee said causing me to turn and look at him. He had a big smile on his face and motioned for me to enter the lounge.

 I nodded my head respectfully and entered the lounge. "Assalaamu Alaykum." I greeted Mr and Mrs Malik. 

Mrs Malik smiled and stood up to shake my hand and give me a hug, "Waalaykum Mussalaam. Masha-Allah you are looking really beautiful." she said loudly and I smiled, even though she couldn't see it. She eventually released me and sat back down, whilst I took a seat besides Aunt Sadia.

After an awkward silence, Mr Malik finally spoke, "How are you today Aasia?"

"Good, Alhamdulillah." was my short reply.

Mrs Malik nodded and smiled, " We heard about what had happened to you and we are really sorry about that. We are glad that you are okay now."

I nodded,  clasped my hands in front of me and bit my lip, not allowing myself to say anything. Aunt Sadia looked worriedly at me and softly touched my shoulder, causing me to flinch. 

"I am really sorry, I..." Mrs Malik started apologizing, but I shook my head cutting her off.

"It's okay. It was a while ago" 

"Well... we heard that you have been a really big help in your uncle's business." Mr Malik said and I nodded. "That is good... a business educated wife is exactly what Hassan needs." He continued. 

As soon as the words 'wife' came out of Mr Malik's mouth, I swallowed the lump in my throat and squeezed my hands, but as much as I tried to keep the tears in, the more they tried to escape. I shook my head and stood up quickly, "Please excuse me... I.. I... I'm sorry." And with that I ran out of the lounge. 



I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter.

I'm so sorry for leaving it on a cliffhanger, but I will try to update as soon as possible. 

Some words and their meanings:

  Assalaamu Alaykum- 'Peace be upon you' an Islaamic way of greeting.

 Waalaykum Mussalaam - 'And peace be upon you' Islaamic way of replying to a greeting.

  Masha-Allah - 'Just as Allah wishes.'

   Alhamdulillah - 'All praise is due to Allah.' 

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