Chapter 19

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Dedicated to: 

Firstly I would like to thank all my readers! Without you guys this story wouldn't have reached over 2K reads! Thanks so much!

Aasia's POV

"Aasia...Aasia wake up!" I groaned and tried to move away when I felt someone poke me in the ribs. "Comon Aasia we're here." 

Here? Here as in home? Here as in not home? Here as in on holiday in a deadly plane? This voice has to be more specific! 

Just then, I heard another voice... "Ladies and gentleman we have landed in Paris! On behalf of the pilot and the rest of the cabin crew we hope you have a safe and beautiful holiday and we would like to thank you for flying with us today."

I sighed and slowly opened my eyes, only to  find Hassan staring at me. "Can I help you?" I asked sarcastically.

"No... not at all." was his short reply. "But you might want to put your niqab on soon,"  he said gesturing to the closed curtain beside him - thanks to first  class I could fly without covering my face, "The air hostess will be here soon."


As soon as we exited the plane we went to the luggage convey-a-belt in search of our bags. After a few minutes an airport assistant walks towards us,

"Are you Mr and Mrs Malik?" He asked and Hassan and I both nodded. "Well we would like to apologise but there has been a mix-up with regards to your luggage? "

"What  kind of mix-up?" Hassan asked, slightly irritated.

"For some reason all first class bags got transferred to the wrong flight during the 3 hour stay in Dubai. Your bags will only be here tomorrow." The man replied.

"What? How is that possible! How could you be so irresponsible?"  Hassan bellowed.

The man shrugged, unaffected by his outburst, "It was not my fault sir, the mix-up was in Dubai." and with that he turned around and walked away. 

And I was left...standing alone...beside an angry Hassan... Just great!.. This was the perfect way to start a holiday...

"What are we going to do? " I asked when Hassan seemed a little calmer.

Hassan sighed, "There's not much we can do! All the shops around here are closed...We'll have to figure it out at the hotel." He replied as we walked towards towards the checking point - you know where they stamp your passport etc.

As soon as we reached the front of the line, the man stamped Hassan's passport, but stopped at mine. 

"I'm sorry ma'am, but you will have to remove that veil or else we can't let you in." The man said. 

"But I..." I said but was cut of by Hassan,

"She will not be removing it!"

"Then we cannot allow her in!" The man protested.

"She will not show you her face. That's final!"

"Sir! I suggest you shut up and allow me to do my job or else I will have to call security!"

"Do you not know who I am?" Hassan asked, his jaw clenched.

'I don't care! I will have security escort you out!"

"I am Mr Malik! Owner of a large empire of law firms! And if I am not mistaken Ben I have over 2 Law suits here in France! So I suggest you don't argue! That's if you care about your job!" 

The man gulped and looked around in panic. 

"Not so brave are we now?" Hassan asked in a tone I've never heard before- that i actually scared me- "Now if you can find a female assistant and a secluded area my wife would gladly show her face and we will be on our way." 

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